Singer, MM, Lynn, Jaded,
Thank you all for the wonderful responses. I appreciate the time you took to try and answer my questions. I know that I need help, I am seeing a therapist, but it's probably way too little - sometimes only 1 hour a month. But she is very busy and I do not like to push.
I can be agressive when it comes to my children or my family's desires and protection, but have been way too conditioned to push for ME.
I am in a situation right now where I have stood up to my N family. My parents have always used closing me out as punishment. As I grew into an adult if I did things they did not approve of, they simply cut me off for a period (til they got over it) and then let me back in. So I knew what I was getting myself into when I stood up to them all. I am now in a vaccum, no word from Nmom, Ndad (haven't spoken to him other than hey in over 5 years), 2 sisters who refuse to acknowledge I am alive. It would not have mattered if I hadn't stood up for myself, they all let me into their lives only when they need something anyway. And god forbid I refuse to oblige them, I get cut off again!
So there's no communication whatever. If I try to call which is stupid on my part, they will talk, but they refuse to acknowledge that I stood up for myself - sweep the ugly family secrets under the carpet - ignore it and it will go away. They will only talk to me if I allow them to use me as their sounding board. I must listen, answer the way they want to be answered, agree to everything they agree to and then they call it a good phone call and allow themselves to talk to me again in the near future (6 months or so).
I'm having such a hard time dealing with their ways that I cannot get it off my mind at times. Days like mothers day and fathers day are really hard to get through, but I put it all away for the day so my kids and H will have a great day. Then afterwards it creeps back in and I'm sorely depressed and my immediate family does not know what happened.
They are so used to me always trying to bring everyone else UP that it is not allowed for mom to be down. I am the vacation planner, the events planner, the dinner planner, the pick me upper, the home decor designer, the one whp keeps everyone happy in the family.
When I started seeing a therapist, I told her I was tired and couldn't find the energy to plan the next fun thing for everyone because I am not happy anymore about myself. There is no time in the family life for me to take time out for myself without severely upsetting the family. My H sometimes says I need to find something for me, but when I persue that, it is apparent that my desires will get in the way of everyone else's fun, and without saying so, I know they all feel it is more important to keep their fun going than to make mom whole.
The friends I have are so used to this same philosophy that if they see me not happy, Up, high energy, they don't know how to take it and are uncomfortable around a less joyous person.
I have put on quite a front for people all of my life. I do not let them see when I am hurting. I lived in survival mode for so many years that I realized that letting someone know you are not 100% is a very dangerous position, kinda like the wounded animal in the jungle. Only my philosophy is "be happy or be eaten". I tried to convince myself that if I could convince everyone that I was happy and content, I would eventually believe it myself. Now I get mad at myself for not believing anymore. And sometimes, I'm the worst enemy when I refuse to let myself listen to ME. I also make me voiceless.
I have put ME where I am today. I do not know a way out. I cannot do a 180 with my H and kids. They are all very happy and content the way things are. H just says he kinda understands - doesn't really because he has never had to live around people like my parents. He has ignored them since we got married, and didn't even know them until 2 days prior to our wedding. We had dated for 2 years, were engaged for a year. That's how invloved my parents are in my life. He says he wants to help, but thinks I should just forget about my family and move on. He is very active with his family. He has a 10 day vacation alone with his brothers every year. He spends time on the phone with them all every week. We take vacations with them occassionally. They are great people, but it just reminds me of what I have missed all my life.
How do you just forget it all and move on? I am alone in all of this except for my 3 kids and H. I live a life of solitude sometimes. I feel inprisoned at times. I feel punished becaue I will not conform to my N parents ways.
My life is happy when I plan things for my immediate family that makes them all happy. Then when someone doesn't like what we are doing, I take it as a personal hit - I did not do it right somehow. And all the time, I am too busy trying to make it right for all od them, that I do not have fun, get a rest, or enjoy my time. I come home feeling slighted.
I have been away from my 3 kids for a total of 3 days since I beame a mom. H travels for business and goes on a vacation once a year without us. Our family vacations require a lot of work from me, while they all go have fun. I am back in the working world by choice and soemtimes I do not want to leave work. It is my escape. I have been offered business trips but they always conflict with something H has going and I am not allowed to trump. Don' t get me wrong - he's a great guy, but he has gotten very used to me being conpliant, and is not ready to see me change - even it it means me being happier. I believe he and my kids are content with the same ole same ole mom, and they are willing to take the depressing moments in lue of changing tbeir ways. It is just too much for me to handle.