I hesitate to put my concerns out for help because I sense that every situation will be evaluated and examined for evidence of narcissism. I'm too new in my healing to handle all my own issues and other people's too. So, my relationship and the things I struggle with are kept close to my heart.
1. I pulled my childhood life story thread OFF the main board ~~ I was grateful to JanetLG for her time and support to each tentative posting therein.
2. I regretted posting my childhood life story ~~ as it was used against me, then, at that time, in a most horrendous way.
3. I will never again post my childhood life story.
4. Because I choose not, to in order to remain in my new shoes.
That is the truth, crystal clear.
Thank you, CB, for your valued and very much appreciated, lengthy post, as always, I have gleaned and gained so much.
Love, Leah
in a million years: in this relationship, disagreements have always ended with MORE connection, not less. We feel CLOSER, not more estranged. We both feel HEARD, even if we both retain our viewpoint.
That to me is 'normal' healthy adult reciprocal living, of which I enjoy in real life, in various social settings and none.