Author Topic: Been thinking about Father's Day  (Read 11119 times)


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Been thinking about Father's Day
« Reply #30 on: June 28, 2004, 09:18:22 PM »
Hi Nassim,

I do agree that we are dragging it on from the original topic this thread was started for.

Apart from that I think we will agree to disagree on the topic



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« Reply #31 on: June 29, 2004, 12:19:51 AM »
Quote from: Anonymous
But my point is I am not happy the way the majority of the world sees things. For example you call women the 'civilising force' and I am afraid thats how still many of us sees things.

Let me put it a different way. There is male energy (animus, yang, or whatever you want to call it) and female energy (anima, yin, etc.). For us to survive in the social world, for women and men to protect themselves from choosing destructive situations with the opposite sex, they might want to consider the male and female energies.

A woman who feels a physical longing for a man whom she doesn't know that well has to realize she is taking an emotional risk. For one thing, his male energy is probably more predominant than her male energy. And male energy is more about action, and female energy is more about intution and feeling. So if she has sex with this man, it's going to be a different experience for him and possibly not as emotional. This is not about women being on a pedestal, it's about male energy which is expressed mostly by action.

Now if the couple is in an actual relationship, the partners get into some kind of synch with their male/female energies. It has to be worked out over time and there are still problems along the way.

Men also get hurt by women. They have to consider whether the woman they're going to sleep with is a good choice. Men can make terrible choices in women and get hurt very badly (there's a male poster on this group who posted about it).

So I don't think this is about pedestals and the sexes sharing equally. It's about seeing red flags in a situation, and gauging whether having sex with this person is in everyone's highest interest.



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« Reply #32 on: June 29, 2004, 02:50:47 AM »
But I don't quite take your point and how it is germain to the problem of the poster on this thread. She obviously was a one night stand and was treated poorly by a young man with ill intentions or no intentions.

I am the original poster and my name on this board is Dawning.  Nice to meet you, Nassim.  I don't consider myself "a one night stand" although maybe I experienced that phenomenon recently.   It was almost like a natural occurrence...I have never experience anything like that before.  I see now that most men, upon being invited to my dwelling, would likely have forced themself on me but I have been lucky and not met too many of these types and, when I have, they have taken NO for an answer because I didn't give them a choice.  I am still trying to figure out what happened because we didn't talk about things prior to the act.   Would asking him his intentions/feelings beforehand have changed what happened though?  As Nassim pointed out, some men WILL lie to have sex.  I think the best thing to do in the future is to not let my energy/emotion/desire/intuition come together too quickly but use common-sense and make the man wait for awhile and NOT invite him to my place.  Like I said, I wanted a girlfriend to talk with too.

And male energy is more about action, and female energy is more about intution and feeling

Hmm...I consider myself to be pretty active -maybe even more than some men.  But I do think there is a difference between how the action is felt and dealt with on the part of women and men.  That is generally why men are not good belly-dancers and women are not good hockey players.   :P  

My issue is in why I did not talk about my feelings for him beforehand.  That would have been wise and, perhaps, saved me some pain in the long run.  And I thank you who have given your frank assessments for helping me along to see this.  

That "monk" line sounds really suspicious. I wonder if he's used it before to hook women. Seducing a monk is a pretty nifty fantasy, and he may have realized its potential (i.e., the woman would believe she is the "only one", and if she singlehandedly "turns him off" of celibacy, that makes her pretty powerful).

Heh.  I can't help laughing a little at this.  Thanks, Bunny.  If he didn't use it before, he may be using it now.  HAHAHA.  Gotta be light this afternoon.  Laughter is therapeutic too.

Another thing I've been thinking is that for women, sex is bound up together with feelings of love whereas for men, the feeling of love is not necessarily tied together with the act of sex.  If I had a crush on this person - and it is very likely I did - perhaps my desires were also related to the craving I have for unconditional love from my parents.  Accepting that I will not get it from them might help me avoid this scenario in the future.

*Spirit, I like the name you use on this board.  I think it suits you.  You said some things that I have thought about myself.
"No one's life is worth more than any sister is less than any brother...."


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Been thinking about Father's Day
« Reply #33 on: June 29, 2004, 05:14:45 AM »
Hiya Dawning,

Wanted to say Hi :D , Venturing out here. Usually don't bother. hahahah

Whatever change or enlightenment or refreshment that young man has experienced, he experienced it from YOU! YOUR FEMINITY! YOUR POWER! YOUR ESSENCE! You should feel good about that!  :D  He wasn't married. You didn't violate some sanctity here, in this interaction. And if you've learned something about yourself, and had a glimpse of some unattractive needy side of your own nature, and you can learn something from that too, so then good  :D . But hey, sexy momma  :D , don't feel bad or old or useless. It's still got currency  :D , whatever your earth mother nature is. hahahahahahahah Thank God for that!:D

PS. Tell his mates you're depressed and down because you feel bad that you mislead him. Tell them you feel sorry for him, 'cause he now thinks he's a Don Juan, fantastic in bed. And tell them you feel terrible, 'cause he was really really really bad at it. You were just makin' him feel good. It was the worst sex you'd ever had. Tell them that. hahahaha

Go Girl.


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Been thinking about Father's Day
« Reply #34 on: June 29, 2004, 09:50:13 AM »
Quote from: Dawning
I am still trying to figure out what happened because we didn't talk about things prior to the act.   Would asking him his intentions/feelings beforehand have changed what happened though?

His mind would have gone like this: "Oh, she wants to talk first." Sex is unlikely to be cancelled due to any discussion. And it's a rationalization to pursue the man afterward, referring to the discussion and wanting it to continue.

Quote from: Dawning
I think the best thing to do in the future is to not let my energy/emotion/desire/intuition come together too quickly but use common-sense and make the man wait for awhile and NOT invite him to my place.

This is a wise course to take!



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Been thinking about Father's Day
« Reply #35 on: June 29, 2004, 08:25:13 PM »
C'est la vie. Live and learn. One good thing about this is that my freespirit has returned but in a different form.

And I like your post, CG - it was WONDERFUL - thanks so much for your sincerity, Woman of the Earth.

... I think he may have pegged me early on and I didn't see it because I wondered how someone his age could be attracted to me. But now he isn't. Because of my teenage insecurities which got me into this situation in the first place. Seriously.  How I ended up with these insecurities intact so far into life seems odd to me and probably to 20-something guys  but it is me and I am not going to pretend. Now that I am getting rid of those and my attachment to a messed up father, I wonder if there is still a chance that I can meet a nice man somewhere who will treat me well and also if it is too late - now knowing what I know.

One last thing: as I was drying my hair this morning, I thought about the posts Spirit has written in this thread and - Spirit - I just want to say that I am glad there are men like you in the world.   :)   Makes me feel good knowing that.
"No one's life is worth more than any sister is less than any brother...."


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Been thinking about Father's Day
« Reply #36 on: July 02, 2004, 05:02:06 PM »
Two days have gone since I posted on this thread. I have had time to reflect more on it and I do realise that I was a bit selfish here in the sense that I hijacked the thread away from what Dawning created it for because I put my own concerns ahead there.

I do realise that it is not always about me, and there are different kind of men and I didin't have to go on the defensive. Threfore I will apologise to you Dawning because I do realise that I was being unsymathetic and didn't show any empathy to you or your feelings but let my own thought/concern/issues drift it away.

Nassim and Bunny,
I do understand you are talking the practicalities whereas I was talking in a more general sense ( placing humanity before humans etc ) Plus when I read it back now some part of my post could be sen as offending especially the part about 'because of my cultural background.. etc ' I think my delivery was poor there and I hope no one is offended. Having said that I still am still sticking with my views but will certainly pay attention to others view aswell and do realise that I am still learning.

thanks everyone


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Been thinking about Father's Day
« Reply #37 on: July 02, 2004, 05:06:55 PM »

I don't think you offended anyone.



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Been thinking about Father's Day
« Reply #38 on: July 02, 2004, 05:08:22 PM »
Quote from: Dawning

One last thing: as I was drying my hair this morning, I thought about the posts Spirit has written in this thread and - Spirit - I just want to say that I am glad there are men like you in the world.   :)   Makes me feel good knowing that.

Thanks very much for those kind words Dawning. Now I wonder if I have played the moral high a bit too far.  

I think there are certain benefits of childrens of N and neglecting parents because these children are so keep on pleasing others.. and I wonder if this is a main reason for my good behaviour with women.

Spirit  :D


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« Reply #39 on: July 02, 2004, 05:27:30 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous

I don't think you offended anyone.


Nice to hear Bunny.

Anyway I felt I needed to own responsibility for not being empathetic and talking off my head in the thread that was created for another reason. I feel a lot easier and happier now that it is off my chest.

Spirit'ed as ever !


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Been thinking about Father's Day
« Reply #40 on: July 02, 2004, 10:28:36 PM »

Being offended to me means giving your power to someone else. I try not to ever do that. It's different if someone is being insulting on purpose. I didn't see you being offensive or insulting.



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Been thinking about Father's Day
« Reply #41 on: July 05, 2004, 06:44:01 AM »
I am unclear about my needs and feel naked and vulnerable much of the time now.  It feels like getting kicked out of the family...being an orphan all over again.  No one seems to want to have anything to do with me if I can't meet their needs.

Thank you to the people who posted on this thread and for sharing your insights and personal concerns.  Spirit, you didn't offend me at all.  If a thread I start helps someone else along and they can use their voice to heal then so much the better for all of us.   :)   Peace.
"No one's life is worth more than any sister is less than any brother...."


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« Reply #42 on: July 08, 2004, 11:56:48 AM »
Hiya dawning:
It feels like getting kicked out of the family...being an orphan all over again.
Were you ever in a family? I wasn't, consider myself now to have always been an emotional orphan and only just starting to 'grow up' emotionally. If you feel like this, you are not alone!

No one seems to want to have anything to do with me if I can't meet their needs.
 Ditto. There seem to be very few real people about. Or maybe the unreal ones are just attracted to me! Maybe I should look harder at the people who aren't attracted to me, the ones holding back, they're probably more real. But then again, I find it very wearing, like with my neighbour, she saps the life out of me by non-stop talking. And I find it hard to say no. Where are all the people who don't have lots of weird needs they want met? I don't know! But I'll keep looking....take care, P


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Been thinking about Father's Day
« Reply #43 on: July 08, 2004, 09:11:55 PM »
Hi Portia.  

Were you ever in a family? I wasn't, consider myself now to have always been an emotional orphan and only just starting to 'grow up' emotionally. If you feel like this, you are not alone!

Thanks for that.  I think my parents did everything they could to delude me into thinking I was IN a family but how could it be so?  I learned to distrust myself at an early age.  Programmed into believing lies.  It feels like there are so many lies on top of the truth and I am picking them away one by one.  

Dad, you didn't come to see me.  I had to beg you to see me when I was 12 and you reluctantly agreed.  The last time I saw you I was 21 and now you are sending me msgs on 4th July telling me that you miss Elvis.  You WEREN'T  in my life.  But you tell me I had a family.  Mom, you talk about others being responsible for their choices and yet you have a reason - ALWAYS something I did wrong - that explains YOUR behaviour.  You can't even ask how I am doing.  That is such a scary thing for you.  You can ask how the cats are but not me.  I will never get the truth from you but I will get it from somewhere.  I can't take any more lies.  I have given up so much of my life believing in a fantasy that - if I let you both have your way with me - I would get what I wanted....a family.  

(part of a letter I wrote to my college-aged friend just a few minutes ago)"The morning's are the worst.  To think that you had a friend that you could share so much with, with so much potential and it turns out to have not had any meaning to him.  I think that is a direct link to my parent-issues.  He won't even email me to say that he is sorry that the last time he saw me by accident, he looked up at me and said, "hi, another woman's name?"  what DID we have?  And why do I feel that I lost my virginity and my heart has gone back to 14 years old?  Because - maybe...just maybe...I am reclaiming all the years that were stolen from me. "

Sorry if that sounds overly-dramatic.  I just learned that in Berlin people jump in the fountains naked in the summer.  HAHA.  The whole idea of nakedness - in the figurative sense - makes alot of sense.  I always wanted to hide who I really was.  Now I am imagining that I am naked - allowing myself to be vulnerable - in my present situation.  I am who I am...reclaiming all the lost years.  Is that possible?  Does that explain why I get on the swing in the park and listen to 4-5 songs on a CD while swinging.  It feels good afterwards.  Gotta keep an eye on my bike.  My old one got stolen while I was swinging in a feverish state last weekend.  I wonder what that says....NOW I lock my bike.   :shock:  

Ditto. There seem to be very few real people about. Or maybe the unreal ones are just attracted to me! Maybe I should look harder at the people who aren't attracted to me, the ones holding back, they're probably more real. But then again, I find it very wearing, like with my neighbour, she saps the life out of me by non-stop talking. And I find it hard to say no. Where are all the people who don't have lots of weird needs they want met? I don't know! But I'll keep looking....

Hmmm.  If you look at the ones holding back -who aren't attracted - would you try to speak with them about that?  How would you go about making a connection with them?  As for your neighbor, she sounds like she doesn't understand how to have a conversation that seems *real* to you.  I understand about sapping the life out of me and I find it hard to say no too.  But I am SO tired - sapped out of - giving away alot of power to people so quickly and intensely when I feel a connection.  Weird needs, yeah...something to consider about myself.   Anyway, I think its all about give/take.  Say no when need be.  Say yes when need be.  I'm looking for balance now.  I'm trying to figure out who I am and what my needs are and separating from my parents.  Maybe they are the ones with the weird needs.   Sifting through the pain is difficult work.  You take care too.  <<Hug>>
"No one's life is worth more than any sister is less than any brother...."


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Been thinking about Father's Day
« Reply #44 on: July 22, 2004, 09:40:58 PM »
Nassim, now I understand what you mean here:

Being offended to me means giving your power to someone else.

Thank you.  Sometimes it takes me awhile to *get* things that, perhaps, come easier to others.
"No one's life is worth more than any sister is less than any brother...."