Hi, Lise...and welcome back.
Punishment? Yikes. No. Sorry I ignored you. I may have not known what to say.
To tell you the truth, I'm a senior moment on legs these days (partly due to Ambien). I honestly don't recall! When I saw your name again I remember associating it with troubled feelings and I remember you being upset but not the specifics. I know you did what you needed to do to take care of yourself, and that's good, imo. I'm glad you're feeling better.
I no longer often confuse a religion with the religious. It's one of the things this board experience has given me. Learning to trust --love-- people whom I once might have feared because of my own prejudice against an "ism" or an "ity". I've been treated very wonderfully by people who don't echo my religious beliefs, and I've yapped a lot here about being UU. Respect and tolerance goes both ways. I've been tolerated a whole lot.
I do "overdose" sometimes on testimony, and I keep thinking about Richard, and stuff, and wishing that in addition to Christian and non, there were more diverse voices. I would love to hear from Muslim, Buddhist, atheist, humanist, etc. But I also think it's reality. This is a predominantly Christian culture. In my daily life and church life I don't spend much time around Christians, so here is an opportunity. I vent now and then but it's not personal to anyone -- it's just part of what damaged me as a child. I draw a lot of my conclusions about what I think is wrong with Western culture from our religious origins.
I am always interested (not in debate, but in observing how others are strengthened by their faith), and sometimes I'm inspired. It's usually by a quality of character or wisdom or kindness that comes between the lines, rather than verses. I also think I have an underexercised metaphysical streak.
What a ramble.
thanks for asking,