I changed my mind, and, after reading something on another thread, I am deciding to engage you at this time:
I cannot remember who posted this, but since Lupine, you began maybe feeling you needed to go behind my back, I want to assure you that you do not. I have read your post and am now going to review and respond directly:
Also, someone named "Lupine" has just PMd me regarding "RM". I do not know Lupine, and am requesting here that they make any posts to me openly on the Board, where I can deal with them in public (may be a sock puppet, psycho troll doll or whatever) I adore the PMs that I have received in the past from known friends, but don't feel the same about this one. If they are a sock puppet, nutcase troll doll or whatever, I hope that they are removed ASAP from Board privileges. If they are legit, I would like to get to know them better, and make a new friend out in the open.
OK THAT WAS THE OLD POST I READ ABOUT LUPINE POSTING BEHIND MY BACK, which, again, does not bother me personally; I want you to just know you can post directly along with behind my back and get a response, so here goes.
LUPITA: How's your daughter doing? The one you hit with the wet towel. The pregnant one. The one you felt you had to call the police to describe "her" bad behaviour.The one you described in a thread you deleted.
Ok, clearly a "dig" at me because your post got deleted when I deleted the others. Again, I reserve the right to post and delete as I am led, since it is also anyone else's right on here. Since it apparently bugged you enough to mention it however, I'm going to respond to your rather pointed questions and implications about my daughter.
How is she doing? As fine as a self-absorbed person can be. The towel did her no damage. She is off hunting with her fiancee and family this weekend. My preference would have been that she didn't do this, but she is an adult, so if she wants to take those kinds of chances of being around guns, that is her choice. If you need me to write another description of my daughter since I deleted the thread, I can do that for ya, Lupine.
Where is Roland the husband with the rotten teeth who is sub-human (as in your description of him) in his behaviour?
actually, he has only one rotten full tooth left in the top of his mouth. The others he either broke off purposely with a pliers or they rotted out. He has his teeth on the bottom still.
They are in the background while you pursue your online activities?
They really do not want to be sitting here watching me do my online activities any more than they like me sitting over their shoulders while they are online.
I'm not surprised. Why you come here to get support for your lack of integrity is apalling for both you and this board.
First of all, I've stated my reasons for coming to this board many times. Support? No, more like empathy, information. Very few people support my views nor do I let that consume my days. Why is my being on the board appaling for me (as if you know my thoughts or feelings other than those i care to share) or for this board (since when do you talk for "this board")?
If you don't get help within the context of your family, then you need to get it outside of them (and this board) if you truly care about them.
I think you have missed the many posts where I've talked about myself and my husband being in COUNSELING? I sure do NOT rely on a message board for my sole source of help or whatever, and I discourage others from doing so as well.
When your thread about hitting your daughter didn't meet with a positive response, I was not surprised to see that you deleted it.
So? It is my right to delete any threads I choose, as it is anyone elses on here. What's your point?
And to post that you spent a whole day with your husband "communicating" immediately prior to the deleted post made some sense also. You were spinning.
I think you need to stop using us..to support some position you have of those around you being narcissists (a term that can be equally applied to just about anyone depending on one's agenda).
I think you need to go re-learn the whole purpose of people being on this place. I am not nor have I ever been someone who embraces all truths as being valid. There are parts of everyone's beliefs that may be true, but there is but ONE truth. If you are upset because I don't embrace everything everyone says as being right, well you will have to own that upsetment, because I am not changing. I am a follower of Yah, period.
You're preaching to the choir here! And you're always going to get some sympathetic response since we would all like to save everyone. You need to take some time to make a hard evaluation of who you are and what you are doing ... When everyone leaves you, YOU are who you are left with?!? Who you gonna call then?
Are you maybe projecting here? I am quite comfortable in my own skin the majority of the time. Why are you using my very words here that I've posted on this board? I have said to others that "YOU are who you are left with." Not that I mind you saying my words, but realize that is what you just did. I have no problem being left with myself.
I doubt that you rarely enter a chat room. I think chat rooms are your MO.
You can doubt what you want. Only recently have I started going to one room in particular after about 3 years of doing so.
I think you solicit opinions ad nauseum to support your sense of who you are. And when they don't support the notion of whom you think you are, then you post here. Oh yes, and when the responses here don't meet your expectations. you bring poor God into the mix.
First of all, God wants to be in the mix of my life. He sent His Son to die for me so that I CAN go to Him. He wants me to tell others about Him as well, so I'm not apologizing nor feeling shame about it. Secondly, I think most people stick with those of like-minds. As far as soliciting opinions to support a sense of who I am...what is wrong with that? I don't do it, but what is wrong if someone does? Does that threaten you that people have supporters?
I don't think anything I have written above will change or help you. You're on your own course.
No, generally people who approach me the way you did, I blow off, you are right. You will find that most people are going to ignore you or get nasty back at you when you come at them in that way. I have done my best to use tact in responding to you however. I am on GOD'S course, not my own.
For example, how is your pregnant daughter doing?
As feisty and self-absorbed as ever which she would ADMIT TO.
Is she still afraid of you?
Anna? Afraid of ME? yeah riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight! You don't know her at all. Anna fears NOBODY. Remember her response to the wet rag swat? She called me a "b" and began swinging at me. She is not fearful of me. She tells me all the time what a fat slob I am, how I was never a mother to her, how she taught herself how to do everything. Even my own husband would tell you the LIE about all that. We have photos to prove who was standing there while she swam in her little pool, who breastfed and played with her, who taught her how to use a turkey baster, etc.
How is your husband doing?
He is doing what he does every day...working on fixing up houses, coming home, sitting in front of the tv, eating dinner, going to sleep. Emotionally, he lives in a "child" state.
Have you helped him find a dentist?
Of course. He refuses to go anyway. I can't hog tie and force him to go. He also told me "even if I do have my tooth pulled and the others removed from my gums (the broken off pieces that are still up in his gums), I will NOT get dentures."
What have you done to ensure your family will be intact for the long term?
hmmmmmmm, again I think you haven't gotten the full story on the threads. Counseling, marriage weekends, etc. Got any other ideas? My family consists of a husband who acts like a little boy of about 12 - 14 years of age, a daughter who is 22 that lives with her fiancee, whom I get along fine with, a daughter who is 18 and pregnant that believes her 16 yr old boyfriend is suddenly going to be a "man" once this baby comes, because she EXPECTS it of him, a 13 year old who is homeschooled and doing fine living in the secluded world that she chooses to live in, and an 8 year old that adores me and her father.
Or have you just decided to demonize them all instead of being accountable.
I can't "demonize" someone. They'd have to open the doors to their own demons; it's not something I can put on them unless some that I had transferred to them. If you mean "psychologically" still, that is not something I did or do to others.
We all own our own stuff. Are you owning YOURS or MINE?