Dear Ami,
In my recent reading, I saw something with reference to Fear as being the cause of stomach troubles.
Whether that is a fear of the shame being exposed or simply a terror of being rejected and abandoned, I am not sure, but for me... I think it is the abandonment issue.
When I was not perfect (which, of course, I never was, no matter how many times I tried), my mother rejected me by shutting me out. Her pursed lips of disapproval and her silence are what marked my spirit, so that any failure, no matter how small, carried with it the ultimate abandonment. It wasn't just my mother, either. The entire parochial school system in which I spent my 12 years of pre-college education was geared to the annhilation of any individuality. So... basically, I abandoned myself... which is pretty much the same thing that NPD does, as I understand it...
except that my masks never fit well enough to solidify into hard core NPD. I did not want to be that lonely, so I kept trying to open up further... unfortunately, I did so to the wrong people.
And that was not at all what I set out to write here, but that's what came out.
Ami, that voice you hear when you're trying to simply "be" is the voice of the devil, as far as I'm concerned.
Satan is the one who constantly tries to tear down and destroy, constantly accusing and condemning. The Holy Spirit will indeed confront us with our wrongs, but that is in the form of conviction, not ever in a way of hopeless damnation.
But wait, I am surprised to read that your mother comforted you when you weren't well...
I thought you'd always said that you were waiting for her to come to your aid, but she never would... maybe I misunderstood.
So the only time she'd tend to you was when you were ill?
That would certainly be an incentive to a little girl to remain sick!
Ami, I've seen that there are many Aha moments throughout the course of renewing our minds to the truth.
I wish that it could be a radical transformation of the soul, but that only happens at the spirit level, when we're born again.
The soulish stuff is plain old fashioned hard work, but actually I believe that's a precious gift of God to us... in that we're led, time and time again, to turn to our Lord for guidance, support, and fulfillment. It really is just exactly like being a little child again... in a bigger body this time around, but just that simple and humble.
Love to you,