"Awake O Sleeper" 
and Know that you are Free
Ephesians 5:14-20
Love, Leah

Exactly, dear Leah

Going hand in hand, I think, with Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.
(I listened to Handel this past holiday season and made a bit of a ruckus of my own, singing along

Dear Amber,
Thank you... I believed that you would understand, too... and I'm so very glad.
Free indeed! Whether it *feels* like it or not.
And I heard something again today which turned my entire perspective...
"we are not fleshly beings trying to become spiritual ones, but rather spirit beings only temporarily tabernacled in human flesh."
And this life is but a vapor...
Love to you,