Author Topic: Or you just cannot stand certain people?  (Read 7973 times)


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Re: Or you just cannot stand certain people?
« Reply #30 on: January 20, 2008, 04:12:18 PM »
Hello Lupita: and all on the group

It would be very very strange indeed if everyone agreed with everyone else about everything LOL.  IMO it is possible to debate on any subject, to hear others' opinions, viewpoints.  One should be able to put forward a view, no matter how outlandish, without having to pussy-foot around the issue.  When you have to walk on eggshells you simply cannot put a matter clearly either, and that can lead to worse confusion.

I think you mentioned women going out to work, and others who stay at home.  I fail to see what problem there might be with that.  It is entirely the woman's choice, IMO, and in many many cases women (married women) have no choice but to go out to work, if there is a hefty mortgage to be paid, plus other myriad household expenses. 
All the married women I know (and they range widely in age, right up to a couple of ladies who are close to 70!) are working.
In our society here some wealthy women can stay at home, if that is what they wish to do.

All the best, Lupita.
y ¡ ánimo !


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Re: Or you just cannot stand certain people?
« Reply #31 on: January 20, 2008, 05:53:52 PM »
I think Victor Frankl's book "Man's Search for Meaning" is like one genesis of implosion therapy.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Or you just cannot stand certain people?
« Reply #32 on: January 20, 2008, 07:33:24 PM »
I think it is a good sign to get to  be around anyone and not lose yourself, step away from people who aren't a great influence but also- go out of my comfort zone if the only reason I don't like someone is because of my own insecurities.

I would never go to a therapist to have any kind of therapy involving shouting or arguing though- I don't really believe it is useful. Acting out anger makes more anger.

There's nothing better than a good therapist though- and some work from churches and not-for-profits on a sliding scale, my friend paid just a few dollars when her finances were upside down.



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Re: Or you just cannot stand certain people?
« Reply #33 on: January 20, 2008, 09:57:42 PM »
Hermes, thank you so much for you comments.
Hops, thank you for the book. I will check it. For sure. I mean, if God gives me enough time. I have several on my list now. But yes, I have to dominate those fears among N people.
Write, the minimum I have found is $60.00. And that was a sliding scale according to that person.
Nope, not now. I have to do what CH does. Do it on my own.
I have learned a lot here on the Board. About the arguing, according to David Burns, it is not really arguing, it is refuting negative ideas, in vivo, by discussion.
Remember Socrates, the greek phylosopher? he said that from the discussion the light is borned. That is what is about.
The therapist makes you see through discussion, personifying the worst that can happens. You might consider to read the book of David Burns MD Feeling Good, about cognitive therapy, so you know more about that. very interesting.


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Re: Or you just cannot stand certain people?
« Reply #34 on: January 20, 2008, 10:41:20 PM »
Thank you for your post Izzi. Although it is not related, thank you anyway.


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Re: Or you just cannot stand certain people?
« Reply #35 on: January 20, 2008, 11:04:10 PM »
Hi Lupita

The post was related to time

To quote you "if God gives me enough time"

G_d has given you the time and it is up to use to use it wisely and you will be given no more , no less than G_od allows.

I often wonder if some people really do read and understand posts??
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Or you just cannot stand certain people?
« Reply #36 on: January 20, 2008, 11:22:19 PM »
Still, I think it was not related. But again, it is me, sure, your association of ideas is very different of mine. With God's help I will understan some day.

Thank you and God bless you.


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Re: Or you just cannot stand certain people?
« Reply #37 on: January 20, 2008, 11:24:09 PM »
Hello all

As life for me is now, I can think of no one that I "just cannot stand"

Sometimes I have acquaintances ( I don't use the word friend) do something that irritates me but it doesn't make me 'hate' the person.

I read Victor Frankl's book "Man's Search for Meaning",...... the very first after leaving the N and it really struck home that no matter what was taken from me, no matter how badly I was embarrassed or hurt or abused, I still have my thoughts and no one can take them from me. I can think about something and act immediately, or think about it and act later, or not act at all.

What I am most grateful for, what I value the most is my solitude and the time I have left to live life under my terms and no one else's.
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Or you just cannot stand certain people?
« Reply #38 on: January 20, 2008, 11:30:21 PM »
Dear Izzi, maybe you could start a thread with that, it sounds very interesting.


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Re: Or you just cannot stand certain people?
« Reply #39 on: January 20, 2008, 11:51:59 PM »

That's already on the board, just different words:

Things I like...
Things I don't like....

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Or you just cannot stand certain people?
« Reply #40 on: January 21, 2008, 12:02:08 AM »
Maybe it was more related to that. You might like to add it to there too. This thread has nothing to do with things to like or hate. It has to do with things able to handel and not able to handle. Maybe God is providing with the opportunity to develop new skills.


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Re: Or you just cannot stand certain people?
« Reply #41 on: January 21, 2008, 12:13:52 AM »
The title is Or you just cannot stand certain people?

not things you cannot handle

you  can change it on your first post!

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Or you just cannot stand certain people?
« Reply #42 on: January 21, 2008, 12:16:54 AM »
Maybe you did not read completely. It is not about hating anybody at all. Or maybe you did not understand it. It is about running away when somebody scares you and triggers you badly.

The sentece, came from another person and was directed to another person. I just used it metaphoricaly.


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Re: Or you just cannot stand certain people?
« Reply #43 on: January 21, 2008, 01:58:23 AM »
well. I better go to sleep. It is very sad everything that is going on. I pray the Lord to take care of my son. I went to salsa class today. But I paied for salsa class fro my son too so we have something to share. He went to the class and he did wonderfully. All tge laides want to dance with him and the instructor mentioned that she has a daughter that she wished met my son. LOL
I guess I most be doing something right. At least, I welcome my son into this world. And I will never stop telling him how much a blessing he has been in my life. And I tell him he is welcome and he was welcome in my life. I will never want he to feel what I felt with my mother NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!! I want him to know that I would give a kildey for him and he can love other people too,and that he can be happy. I always had his friends on my house, never idolated him.
I want him to feel welcome into this world.
God knows that even that I scrwed up many times, I would do any thing for him and do not prevent him from loving other people.
In the name of God I praym and I pray for my son to feel welcome into this world.

Good night.


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Re: Or you just cannot stand certain people?
« Reply #44 on: January 21, 2008, 06:41:01 AM »
You are doing fine, Lupita!

And those salsa classes are great fun.  Love it!
