Since I haven't been around much lately . . .
Things have been going well with H. We've worked things out, and she's willing to wait for me to play catch up. I'm starting to really like her. She respects my boundaries when I say no. She doesn't push me. It's really nice. She didn't even get upset when I told her that I'd promised my brother to go to an even with him, but then she said she wanted go to. She told me family came first. It's really nice. I haven't seen any bizarre, controlling behavior. No N'sm's. She makes me feel young and happy and sexy, and I really like that.
My T told me to let M ask things at his own pace, so that he's ready at his own pace. That helped me a lot. I was so worried about M, and I got myself worked up over nothing.
I'm trying to learn to relax and enjoy and not be afraid of my feelings. H is helping me.
I think I'm doing pretty good.
I am however, having trouble keeping track of M's social calendar. We're going to a birthday party next weekend, and he hasn't said anything about friends over this week. And this from a kid my mother said didn't have any friends.
Pretty cool, huh?