Add another to the guilt/manipulation brigade. Or maybe it's shaming..... I knew something wasn't right pretty early on on my marriage. But whenever I would make the slightest murmurings about leaving, my NH would hit me with something like......
"Yeah, that's you, a quitter. That's the way that you deal with everything, you just leave. You never work at anything. You never try to work things out. You just leave. You'll never have a real relationship because you're not willing to work at it."
So, since my personal history wasn't exactly stellar, of course I rose to the occasion, I didn't leave. I was going to be a better person. I kept trying to do better, read that as trying to please him. Until I caught him cheating on me. Even THEN I stayed because he was willing to get counseling. I fell for it again !!!! Color me stupid !!
So, by the time I finally DID wake up, I was a total wreck. But since I finally, really KNEW that he was poison, I DID actually leave. Hardest thing I ever did in my life. But I knew that if I didn't get out, I would die.
Fortunately, there IS life after N-World. I'm amazed to find that there really are people out there with no hidden agenda. That it isn't always pulling teeth. That you CAN have just a simple, pleasant good time. That real communication and compromise doesn't make you end up feeling like you were swindled.
So, don't bite the bait !!!!!! There's always a REALLY BIG HOOK under it !