When little monkeys lose their mothers, scientists have prove that they can be given s stuffed animal and this would accomplish the emotional representation of a mother. The little monkey develops attachment to the stuffed animal. Having the presence of that piece of material give security to the baby monkey. That means, it is a very primitive feeling, not rational of course.
When there are traffic accidents, many police officers and paramedics, carry teddy bears, to give to children involved in the accident and that make the children feel a little less scared. Of course, primitive feeling and totally an irrational feeling.
Some women have a man in their life, living with them, many times the man does not make money, does not help, does not give love, but he is there. Many times, immature, needy, jealous, but he is there. Many times, behaves like a son, even causing problems, or using drugs, damaging children, or a drunk, you name it. But he is there. He is there. Occupying a space. A space that otherwise would be empty, but that is only material space. Like a stuffed animal. These kind of woman, have irrational feelings, and very primitive feelings, and the presence of that piece of material, gives them a sense of security, like the teddy bear to the children or to a little monkey who lost his momma. A very primitive feeling.
Sorry I did not know how to spell teddy bear.