Well, I have been out all day, working all day, first the high school then piano lessons after school, the driving for an hour, finally I am at home and see that many people have responded. Up since 5:00 AM. Well, thank you for your responses.
I was refering not to abusive husbands, that is a different pathology.
I was referring to husbands who do not serve for anything, not exactly abusive, but husbands who do not give love, do not give money, do not give sex, do not give support, do not help at home, but women keep them just for the sake of having a "man" in the house, because there are some women that feel comfort in knowing that there is a person of the masculine gender in the house. Just like the teddy bear, the teddy bear represents something, and the presence of a masculine hiuman, represents something.
Many women just enjoy saying "my husband here or my husband there....bla bla..." Just to give the impression to the outside that they have a husband because that makes them feel more comfortable.
They do not even do anything together, never go out, not even like a room mate because a room mate shares expenses.
On top, they tell you, my husband does not help me, boo boo, my husband here and there.
Many women feel not worth it if there is no man in the house. They have to have a man at all costs, and if the man is not doing anything, they do not care, as long as he is there, just there, occupying a space in the house.
I dont know if people undersatnd me, I have seen many of those, not exactly abusing, but just the need of having a man to appear, to say that they have one.
And when they complain, if you ask them why they do not leave them, they either change the subject or deny it, or tell you that he is good, but they just refuse to be with out a man.
I remember a mother of a friend, telling my friend, just marry him, it does not matter if he is bad, just to be able to say that you got married. And my friend did.
This depends in what parents base self esteem in their daughters. Many parents who dispise daughters and spoil sons, create many of this kind of pathologies. And macho fathers and mothers who think that their daughters have to get married at all costs. There are different reasons.
I have to confess that I have something similar, but it is not with men, it is with my son. He sometimes, brings his things and he says that he is going to spend some days with me, and the presence of his piano, his books, his laptop, knowing that sooner or later he will come home, it gives me comfort. But, he is not really here. He leaves the apartment everyday, sometimes does not even spend the night here, I do not even see him, but I see his car in the parking lot, I see his things, and I have comfort, thinking that he is "spending " vacation in my house.
So, it is something similar. I ahve seen him in many friends and relatives. Here in USA and in other countries too.