I think you are correct, in that myself and Hermes (I expect we are the ones who triggered this post?) feel very comfortable expressing our voices, even when it involves expressing a difference of opinion. In my opinion this is healthy and a foundation fof recovery from voicelessness, and I wish you felt the same way about expressing your voice, rather than angry at us for expressing ours.
I don't know how to help you with the sense of `shame' an alternate voice triggers within you.I think i can understand it, but I can't accommodate it without shutting myself down.
But perhaps it would help to understand we are not responsible for causing your shame, nor do I personally believe you are shameful in any way. Heck, Gabben, you are smart, caring, thoughtful, moral, insightful woman. By token of your intelligence and verbosity, you are going to express strong opinions, and you are going to frequently engage in conversations with others who hold strong opinions *because they respect you enough to do so*.
So let me say upfront, I am going to continue to express my voice and my opinions, and I hope you will continue to express yours.
Love and hugs,
X bella