I get what you mean Carolyn, and I agree ina round about way, about being kind.
When it comes to my own triggers, I realize that theres a point where people who love me would feel boxed in and overly-restricted in catering to preventing my pain. I desperately fear abandonment, so what are they to do? Never express a bad mood? Never do anything independently of me, never disagree? No human can do that without forfeiting their emotional health and freedom. So at a certain point, I have to live with my own pain, and work out how to sooth myself, and struggle to interpret actions in the present accurately. Boy its hard, but I'm much,much better at it. If i do not do this, I would continue the cycle of abuse, justifying anger and retaliation by attributing blame to anyone who triggers my fear of abandonment. They are not accountable, unless they are do it deliberately and with the intention to cause me harm. I've only met one person in my entire life who is that cruel, and he was a psychopath. But such people are rare. Most people are just people, stumbling along.
Hermes and I both expressed that we felt `too boxed in', as I read it. The disagreements were so small and the relatiation so big in relation to that, that we felt `boxed in'. Theres was no room to have a voice, even a mildly dissenting one, as I experienced things.
This situation has occurred many times on the forums, and it so rarely resolved. I suppose thats why I've stuck with the topic this time. I would be nice to be heard, but perhaps i don't communicate that well, or not kindly enough., or just think differently about tings.
Thanks for lsitening anyway.
X bella