This thread has been very enlightening.
Kelly, I know the feeling that we are "expected" to be "nothing(worthless, valueless, no strength, no confidence) and we go along with the expectations. Then, we get "nervous"(I, do) being otherwise i.e. strong ,confident, trusting in myself.
Maybe, this is what people mean by the phrase'comfortable misery".
I talked to the counselor about "food" issues. They have much deeper roots such as you expressed Kelly, about feeling like 'nothing".
I told her all the issues I had with food. She traced it back to my M and roots of feeling valulessness and feeling I did not "belong" ,anyplace..
She really, really helped me with just one session, but said if I lived near her ,she would want me to come several times a week.She will come ,once a week and see all of us.
I will write all about her on another thread. It was very enlightening,very,very helpful. Love Ami