there's a lot in this book on Self-sabotage by alyce Cornyn-Selby 'What’s Your Sabotage?: The Last Word in Overcoming Self Sabotage '
on weight, as it is the most common form of self-sabotage. Her website is am finding my weight and shape settling down into an attractive norm ONLY now I am prepared to protect myself...clearly at some point my psyche wasn't feeling safe and made a symbolic attempt to give me more layers between me and others.
When I was a young woman I was very beautiful and my father was a heav drinker. One evening he made it clear he was attracted to me- he was very drunk and probably doesn't even remember, I was about 16. After that there was no enjoyment of my body for a long time. My husband hated women so I reinforced it through him I guess.
For me I am finding it has to be a whole approach: no self-destructive or unhealthy habits. I don't smoke or drink, I take vitamins and exercise ( gently now- in a loving way to myself ) daily, and get lots of peace and do happy things.
Gradually my body is recovering.
Remember that line in Walt Whitman:
Undrape! you are not guilty to me, nor stale, nor discarded...Loving ourself as we are right now is the answer- then we want to nurture and protect these precious beautiful bodies.
It sounds silly but I have stood before the mirror and assured my body 'I haven't always taken care of you, i am sorry, I will now, I love you.' And I wept- for the child inside terrified that not only was there no one taking care of me as a child, I didn't do it for a long time for myself as an adult.
I do now.
There's one exercise it's fun to do as often as possible and good results- wall push ups; toning the tops of the arms. Work up to a couple of hundred, it really makes a difference. If I do nothing else all day I do that.
Also meditate ( or pray ) daily.
You'll get there.