Author Topic: hate men  (Read 3934 times)


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Re: hate men
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2008, 03:38:07 PM »
Dear Write:

I just loved that post! 

And I was thinking here: how wonderful to be only nineteen!  All life before you.

Best wishes


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Re: hate men
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2008, 06:34:23 PM »
life is not good. it has never been good. there are good moments but they have the lifespan of a monarch butterfly.
I almost killed myself  a couple days ago. just got so tired of life. i hate life and it hasn't even started.and  i can hardly wait for what comes next. what fun. and i think my F is a pyschopath not a i will be finding a different board. and i've been cursed with his sickness and i've got something wrong with me. but no one will tell me what it is. but i've been told i have autism so i guess that's what's wrong with me. the F always attacked me for what i inheritantly am, maybe the autism was the reason. but then he said that the devil lives in me the last time we talked and that's why i'm defective. so what is it?

and hermes is a man. and that's why i'm offending you. then get out of this thread.


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Re: hate men
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2008, 06:40:50 PM »

*The University has a policy that one is financially bound to one's parents until one is 26, meaning that one must count their assessts as your own, even if one accepts no money from them. Meaning i need their tax documents for the 2007 session or else I can't apply for finanical aid and I have to drop out. And the "Commitee" has yet to meet regarding my letter. And it will take a month for a response. I can't transfer to a state school either b.c. federally the age is 23. So I would have to drop out until I turn 23 just to finish my BA at a state school-but that is back in FLorida and I may no longer be in the system there. typical.


I can relate to that sense of powerlessness, as I couldn't receive gov. assistance to attend university because my parents were too wealthy. But they didn't give me enough money to feed myself. I was very angry at them, because they bought two of my sisters apartments, and let my brothers live at home until wel into their thirties. The other sister got married to a rich guy.

I tried to get by, but I was studying veterinary science and the classes anda fter-hours study routine was so time consuming. I lived in what tey called a `squat' , which was dirty, chaotic place. It was fun, but I didn't have much time for fun!

A lot of the time we got food left over from supermarkets or from donations.

I really, realy, wanted to be vet; it was my childhood dream and I worked so hard to get accepted into the school. But I failed a major subject in first year (anatomy), and they made you repeat the whole year back then if you failed anytign at all. Half way through repeating that year, I just couldn't stomach it any more. Life was to hard for me. And I was angry, angry , angry about my aprents abandoning me instead of helping me. In hindsight, i think my mother wished for me to fail. She told me, later in life, taht her mother did the same thing to her when she was accepted into university. That made me feel even agrier- so she did that to me, knowing it would sabotage me? Great, thanks Mum.

I was pretty mad, el, but i've got to tell you, the anger passes and you stop caring. I think it happened for me sometime later in youth, after I had been independent for a few years, and happy with my life.

I don't really harbour resentment for what my mother was, adn the bad decisions she made. But I am mad sometimes because she hasn't changed much, and she is always trying to regain that `power' she once had over my life. To me that `power' amounts to the power to abuse and control me, and it won't happen again. 

El, I think youa re the right track, making plans to escape your father's control. I couldn't think of anytign better.

PS. I am so envious of your age too! 19 was hard, depressing year for me, but I'd stll love to be that young!

X bella


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Re: hate men
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2008, 06:46:20 PM »

Honestly theres no need to be rude; it will just turn people away because you are hurting them. Thats why we are members of this board- because we are hurting, and have been very, very hurt. Many of us were abused by narcissists worse than your Dad, and for longer.

Are you an Emo, El?

X Bella


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Re: hate men
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2008, 07:04:33 PM »
Dear El,
  My son committed suicide at age 21. Your thoughts are not "right" ,at present. You are believing your sick father's lies about you, El.
  ANYONE  would hate men,if they had your father, El. It is Ok for you to feel HOWEVER you feel ,right,now El.
  It is OK to be angry and hate everyone,including yourself.
  These are only "ideas", El. Anyone who had your background would be struggling, just as you are.  You need to just hang on to your "sanity" right now.Keep writing, El. Keep reaching out. You are not "bad". You have always been OK, El, even though you may not feel it right now.
  Your parents were the "bad" ones,not you, El. You are OK.                 Love    Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: hate men
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2008, 08:33:08 PM »
Hi El,
Please don't hurt yourself.

It is NOT "the devil".

Please reach out and don't toss out humanity.
It's yourself who needs you to be kind.

You're strong, smart, and you can survive.

Please choose to get help and get it again and refuse to stop getting help.

with love,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Sea storm

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Re: hate men
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2008, 09:22:49 PM »
Hi El,

You sound like a smart person and I think this is a very good place for you to vent your anger. Safe, secure, supportive mostly. So go for it. Pour it out. You have plenty to be angry about.

As for autism.  Good grief.  You are very emotional for someone with autism.  Where did you get this idea?  Labels are pretty damaging if they are just thrown around by amateurs. Even if you have a disability which is pretty unlikely of the intensity of autism, you still are entitled to respect and love.

If your feelings get too big for you to handle, then talk to your doctor.  If you had a broken leg you would get help for it.  Medication sure has helped me through some bad patches.

One of the best supports I found during my year in hell was a twelve step program. I like the group support and met some genuine people there who talked about feelings.  I highly recommend it.
Otherwise pour out your feelings here.  Its free and you can write all you want. Someone will be listening.  And caring.

All the best to you,

Sea storm


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Re: hate men
« Reply #22 on: February 06, 2008, 12:18:15 AM »
Please keep spilling, venting, writing, posting.

Please don't stop if somebody doesn't get it. Keep going.
Somebody WILL get it, or get a piece of it.
Then somebody else will get another piece.

You will not be alone with all this rage and pain if you keep sharing it here.

Just keep typing.
Your voice matters and we will listen.

If you're feeling rage, type it. It's okay with us.

Please, sweetheart. Don't harm yourself.

with love and a long gentle hug,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: hate men
« Reply #23 on: February 06, 2008, 07:14:36 AM »
Dear El:

I have to smile!  You are in such a state that you don't know what you are saying.  I agree everything the other posters say, and you will find a lot of encouraging and kind words here.  You know, El, it IS possible to communicate with others, particular others who try to empathise with you, without being rude. 

Take care of yourself, and all the best


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Re: hate men
« Reply #24 on: February 06, 2008, 07:21:33 AM »
I must agree with Hops, El. Don't worry about rude or NOT rude when you are thinking of killing yourself. My son just did kill himself. I falied him. Be however you want to be, El.  Be as rude as you want, El.
 As Hops said, whenever anyone posts here, some people "get "it and some don't. Some people REALLY don't(lol)
 It is the nature of people ,in a group,El.
 YOU need to just keep talking.
  Your F filled you with lies about yourself. I promise you, they are lies.
   I promise.                Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: hate men
« Reply #25 on: February 06, 2008, 11:00:37 AM »
I falied him.

no Ami- you did not fail anyone.
You may feel you did or wish you had done something more but the truth is someone made an irreversible decision based on temporarily overwhelming emotions which is both their right and their responsibility.

All the love in the world cannot save someone when they cross that point, I truly believe that people need more education on suicide though- that it is irreversible, and that it is a form of assault on others. Many people would not do it if they had already internalised that- our values stay with us even in psychosis.

My love to you for going through this pain (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Be as rude as you want, El.

if you are rude and let all your emotions get the better of you then that will put an automatic barrier between yourself and others.

I am going through this now with the lady I asked everyone to pray for who is being sexually exploited. I know she is in agony, I want to be there for her, but each day when I receive profanity or insult in my email I wonder whether I am asking too much of myself and how to set a boundary when she goes too far. It's a fine line to help someone else between letting them connect and becoming enmeshed in their problems.

I think Hops and Ami you don't give good advice to say 'be rude', people will step away quicker than ever from someone who acts out because they are hurt and angry.

You could even get banned from the Board if you write personal insults to other members. There are always going to be boundaries around what you do.

It is perfectly okay to express your anger and frustration though- say what you like so long as it is not personally directed at another and if it is offending anyone they don't have to read do they.

My advice to anyone would be- treat others how you want to be treated, you can't go wrong with that approach.

THINGS WILL GET BETTER. Many people here have been where you're at and come out the other side.



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Re: hate men
« Reply #26 on: February 06, 2008, 12:12:47 PM »
Hi El,
(Aside--hey Write: I didn't encourage being rude. That would backfire and leave El more isolated. I think you just mixed up my post and Ami's.)

El, I hope you will keep writing out your feelings, even including rage, about your father. So you have a safe place to go.

You mentioned feeling suicidal. You were here before during a period when you were feeling desperate. It's the desperation I'm concerned with. I would like you to know somebody cares.

I believe you will find loving strong friends here every time you come. Being 19...god it was rough. And I wasn't dealing with half what you are, El.

There are good times to offer criticism or debate a mindset...for you, I am thinking this isn't one of them. Don't worry about disagreements if they occur. We don't have to "approve", to love.

I promise you will find a lot of love here, just stay around.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: hate men
« Reply #27 on: February 06, 2008, 12:15:33 PM »
El --

You sound pretty OK to me, especially after what you have been through. Have you ever considered that suicide is a form of revenge? It is a way of saying "look what you made me do." Yes, life can hurt so much that we just want out too sometimes, the pain of hopelessness. In my twenties I tried to commit suicide 3 times. It was a mix of hopelessness and old anger. Now I am in my 30's and if you look a the Bigger Picture thread you will see, I am happy with my life and myself, despite my imperfections and humaness and old grief. I have not had a suicidal thought for a long time. There is just no way because life can never be as bad as the way it was when I was actually being abused.

Also, perhaps this is not what you want to hear but I did find God, it changed everything for me.

My heart hears you. It made me smile to see your feisty posts, good quality -- I like that.

Please keep pouring our your heart here...I and safe others will not abandon you or reject you and tell you that you are the problem...all that you feel and all that you think IS OK -- (((((EL))))))

Love you,

« Last Edit: February 06, 2008, 12:23:27 PM by Gabben »


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Re: hate men
« Reply #28 on: February 06, 2008, 11:14:12 PM »

Thinking of ((you)).

My heart hears you. It made me smile to see your feisty posts, good quality -- I like that.

Lise, couldn't agree more...........ditto


"Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak Kindly. Leave the Rest to God."
Maya Angelou


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Re: hate men
« Reply #29 on: February 07, 2008, 03:09:05 PM »
""You could even get banned from the Board if you write personal insults to other members. There are always going to be boundaries around what you do.""  Write.

""My advice to anyone would be- treat others how you want to be treated, you can't go wrong with that approach". Write.

I agree entirely with you, Write. 

All the best