Dear Lise,
"Although I don't think you're always correct in your suspicions (and neither am I) Carolyn "
What an interesting choice of a single line to quote... I hadn't even thought about it, but yeah...
since I didn't question myself as to whether I should admit to thinking you're fallible, I would definitely say that... yes!
Yes, I'd say that I trust you not to explode in anger at the suggestion that your interpretation of events might be incorrect at times.
I pretty much figure that any reasonable person would agree to that about her/him-self ? And I definitely see you as a reasonable person.
On the other hand, I know some folks to whom I'd never dare make that suggestion... it simply wouldn't be worth the grief.
They're not necessarily npd folks, just very insecure personalities who have not yet learned to live beneath the surface of life by laying aside the shame of the ages... but that's another story. All I know is - there's no opportunity for genuine intimacy with such a person. I know that because I was one...
and I had not a clue what it would be like to be utterly transparent in relationship. Now I have a clue and want to build on that : )
Thank you so much for your respect, Lise... I respect you, as well...
and that's not just because I see alot of things the same way you do (although I do... many things, I think)... but also because
I believe that it's more important to you to be real than it is to be comfortable... and that is a quality which is priceless, in my estimation... and quite rare.
((((((((Lise)))))))) I am so sorry it hurts so much. I hope that you'll continue talking out the powerlessness...
and then the burning anger will morph, I think...
but the thing is, for awhile, what it morphs into is more pain, from my experience.
I think it's about relinquishing control over how other people will choose to treat us?
That is tough... because all the boundaries in the world
do not serve to fill us with the sort of cherishing love and acceptance which we crave... (please excuse that "we"... I do think it's a universal craving, tho).
Oh, and about the silent treatment... I actually think I prefer that to all the not-so-subtle innuendo-spreading, but yeah... it's a doozy of an elephant, I suppose.
Just again, not one of my particular buttons, except from the other side of the matter... in that I was formerly the expert at the silent treatment - - not because I sought to punish anyone, but
because I was so terrified at conflict and so occupied with black & white thinking that I knew no other alternative.
Wow - - I think that could be a whole other thread.
I'd better quit for now... sorry this is a bit scattered, I've been cooking interspersed with typing... just please know that I don't think you're "the crazy one". I also don't think that you're alone in seeing the way you do... just maybe others' buttons, like my own, are various and sundry other? Or maybe they don't have the fortitude to say so. I never did.
One thing's for sure - - - we all have buttons! And if I had to choose a method of dealing with the pushed ones, I'd prefer the straight-up approach any day!
Love to you,
P.S. If there is any place in this whole wide world where anyone should be able to give voice to all of his fears, concerns, angers, feelings of any sort - without being judged as acceptable or unacceptable - I think it's here on this VESMB.