I relate to your post very much tjr. For so many years I would say to myself 'why can't he say something nice about me?' Without knowing anything of NPD it was absolutely a mystery, a terrible mystery. And I'm not a person who avoided the subject. I bearded the lion in his den many times. I directly addressed the situation again and again. Sometimes there were rages, sometimes the subject changed to my shortcomings, sometimes to pity for him, and sometimes he thought of ways to 'say something nice' that were actually demeaning or patronizing. Or a way to 'show support' that was actually undermining.
It is a huge weight off my mind and heart to understand that it was not me. I have given up so many aspirations, dreams, hopes, initiatives, efforts and desires over the years because of the extreme undermining and I've held myself completely responsible for these shortcomings and lacks in me, but I've been flying blind and trying to salvage or redeem this relationship the whole time.
Now I understand that so much of my development was seized in the narcissistic double bind, or even quadruple bind! Here's the madness: Nothing I would like, involve myself with or devote effort to could be worthy, but quitting was shameful, and setbacks or mediocrity was contemptible, and success was ignored. Talk about no win.
Of all things, I think these interactions and omissions have haunted me the most over the years. Combined with the sabotage of my physical safety - it was the omissions that really chipped away at my denial and wall of idealization. It was the sheer existence of evidence staring me in the face and the questions of why why why.
I just want to walk away from the relationship. That's just where I am. All this time I tried to prove my good faith in choosing him over myself and it has been BS all this time. I'm just exhausted with it and now I see all my skills and learning deficits and areas of neglect of cultivating my own life. And I just want to walk away.