Izzy, I shudder to challenge your thoughts on this one, but, since you risked reading and posting on the thread, I spose I will too.
I want to let you know that, saying Praise the Lord after everything is NOT being Christian...it's being RADICALLY OBNOXIOUS! You might want to ask your sister and brother in law something for me...did JESUS go around saying "Praise the Lord" constantly? Tell them I think they have a spiritual TIC and need deliverance from it!
Secondly, no wonder you chose agnosticism, if those two are the taste of Christianity that you've gotten! Yipes! Christians who feel forgiven and loved, generally do not have to keep letting you know about it. I have met some people who constantly thought they had to repent over every little thing...those people were diagnosed BPD's! There is one other type of person who repents a lot and lives their lives thinking they will go to hell if they don't...some very Melancholy personalities...that does NOT make them necessarily Christian or close to the Lord.
Just some thoughts