My boss (an N, but a lot more benevolent than the previous Nboss) got mad at me today because I've made a bunch of mistakes. Mom's stroke, my brother's stays, money worries, and taking Ambien...all add up to not enough sleep and not enough focus. I owned the mistakes and sincerely apologized and he said, You're always sorry. And then made a bunch of criticisms (felt like the kitchen sink) that added up to, What good are you? It was so painful, because work had been feeling like a sanctuary of sorts.
I know it started because I challenged him on something...he micromanages at times and sometimes I challenge him (always a very bad idea with an N). Anyway, he just piled it on and I started crying. I told him, "What you're saying to me is very hurtful and I want you to stop it now."
I felt as though all the joy just drained out of the job.
I also felt shame and self-loathing and all I could see in the mirror were Nspots. Some of his criticisms were valid and some just MEAN. He put me down for two things I CANNOT do because of my slipped disc, implying that they always have to "work around me." I felt old, vulnerable, and deeply unappreciated.
I have made him a ton of money this year and have increased his business a lot...I found 14 new dealers in about 10 new states. Corresponded with them, set up the contacts, and now we even have a dealer in L.A., thanks to my efforts. Once, in front of me, he asked his wife how many new dealers she thought we should acquire in a year and she said, 12? I'd gotten 14! So he says, 20.
It just sank in that I'll never be valued ... I think it may be a woman issue. Anyway, the whole thing made me so upset I left the place thinking I wanted to buy a bottle of booze. I did buy beer (had my single one).
Depressing. It's all coming apart and every evening I go watch my Mom's brains slip another inch down the drain, while she tells me she wants to come home (which I can't make happen, so far).

Thanks for listening.