Wow! thanks for all your comments on this.
I believe the mother met this creepy sociopath/molester, married him and then, typical of socios, he isolated her, maybe threatened her, abused her, and then had his way with her daughter, by manipulating the little girl into doing what he "deserved" that mommy wouldn't give him. Children can be guilted very easily! (speculation on my part, but it could have been the case)
I also believe that the mother, most likely having been told "you are NOTHING without me...what are you gonna do? you can't work, you can't drive, you can't ____________...without me, you'll go insane" (or some such drivel)...after a while, a person can be so devestated that they come to believe a bunch of lies and they begin to fear rising up to oppose the abuser (more speculation on my end)
Finally, the mother couldn't leave because she had a state of learned helplessness. She couldn't stop the molesting of the girl for the same reason. Maybe the guy threatened her with blackmail or death...who knows...I'm sure there was much more to this story.
Now, the mother is mentally ill, which was clear to see from her flat affect and dazed look. She just kept insisting she didn't know...which to me, appeared to be a defense mechanism 'if I didn't "see it" then it didn't happen."
Unfortunately, due to the daughter having to go it alone, she learned to become a narcissistic character. She now feels superior to people and has the entire image thing goin on. Did you happen to notice how anorexic the daughter looked? I am guessing this has something to do with an overall picture as well.
As far as the mother being made to apologize, I think she needs counseling before she can even FACE the truth of what happened to herself and then to her daughter. She needs therapy and THEN needs to apologize and probably go through some spiritual inner healing and deliverance while we're at it.