Author Topic: awful day at work  (Read 3333 times)


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Re: awful day at work
« Reply #15 on: February 13, 2008, 03:11:18 PM »
Hello Hops:

So sorry to hear about your troubles with the "boss".  I very much echo Axa"s post to you. 

What a pity I am so far away, Hops.  You could send me in there tomorrow, with a note to the effect I am your temporary replacement, and I think I can guarantee you would not have any trouble again LOL. 

I hope you can get some sleep, and spoil yourself a little too. 

Take care.
All the best


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Re: awful day at work
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2008, 04:13:08 PM »
You could send me in there tomorrow, with a note to the effect I am your temporary replacement, and I think I can guarantee you would not have any trouble again LOL. 

she can get herself fired Hermes!!! Or were you thinking of making a truly permanent ending to his beligerance..... :shock: :lol:

You need more sleep than that Hops. I use this moisturiser by Johnson and Johnsons, it's about $4 a large bottle and has lavendar and is meant to help sleep, it works for me anyway- though I suspect the ending a day with a bit of pampering is the real relaxer

Hope today gets better!


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Re: awful day at work
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2008, 04:23:08 PM »
Only kidding, Write, only kidding!  I am too far away anyhow. 

It is terrible to think, though, that someone can be bullied in this manner at the workplace, and can do nothing about it.  I am assuming there is no redress for this kind of thing?  And you can be fired for standing up for yourself!?  That is just dreadful.   :(

All the best


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Re: awful day at work
« Reply #18 on: February 13, 2008, 05:35:27 PM »
Dear Axa, thanks much for this, it put some starch back in my spine!
He cannot humiliate you unless you allow it
I knew that... :?

And CB, for this:
this isnt someplace that you need to go to in order to get your character tweaked
You know, I think that's what the shame-habit is...I slide into that level of self-criticism. Doubting my character.
When an N begins murmuring devaluing things (if I'm not on guard), it slides right between the ribs. Thanks for the bucking up...

And Beth, for this:
Try to shrug it off as much as possible and know you are doing a good job.
I did just that, and accomplished plenty today. More than usual. (And you do get it being painful, when you know you do well...)

And GS, for this:
were you in a nurturing situation in life you could draw on that nurturing - having to draw up that nurtuing from ex nihilo is extremely difficult on a good day and next to impossible in bad times
Your understanding was a comfort, and reminded me to give myself a break. So I was human enough to weep. If he didn't like it, tough cookies.

And Leah, for this:
He had most likely been simmering this up for sometime, waiting his chance to pounce, in your vulnerable tiredness.  It's about him
Spot on. He actually said, "Well, I've been witholding this..." when he began his tear-down. I swear they enjoy it. Ugh.

And TT, for this:
Take going to see her out of the mix a few evenings a week.
And yes, tension dropped today.
Thank you again for reminding me I don't have to be a hero and see Mom every night. I feel so sorry for her but you're right.
And for the Rozerem reminder. I did try it once and it didn't do a lot, but it was only for a few nights. I'll try chamomile & melatonin tonight, it'd be nice to not add another Rx. But i can talk to my doc about Rozerem if my own regimens fail.

And thanks Hermes, you drive a Hummer?  :) I don't think he'll fire me, not yet anyway. But it reminds me to keep my antennae out. There's some neat people in my simplicity group who are starting another "green" business. Hah!

Write, I feel pampered by your thoughtfulness. Thank you.

love to all,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: awful day at work
« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2008, 02:33:24 PM »
thanks, Phoenix...I do.
Regained my balance and being busy is good.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: awful day at work
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2008, 03:02:50 PM »
Thanks, TT...
a plain old Benadryl helps too, though I don't like the drowsiness.

I woke up again around 5 a.m. after melatonin, got back to sleep but slept too deeply this a.m. and didn't hear the phone or doorbell!

I need to get exercising again and that would be best of all.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: awful day at work
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2008, 10:21:21 PM »
I haven't, Amber...and I should. (Forgot to tell you I too love your new name!)
I'll support you in restarting your relaxation...and here's hoping I restart my exercise.

I'm sorry your inner work is bringing up anxiety. I loathe that feeling the most.
Is there any way you can take a break from it, and just flow a while?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."