That lesson could apply to you, in this case,Lise. Even if she turns people against you, you are strong enough to go on. it won't kill you.
That is how I see it, anyway. Love Ami
Ami -- thanks for your support and encouragement, your very clear and you have some profound wisdom pouring out of you these days -- what a blessing you are.
I see it that way too, "it won't kill you." Right!!
There are no quick fixes we just have to re-feel and experience our old pain and new pains.
My new spiritual director tells me that talking about the trauma and rehashing is part of what helps us and part of what allows us to get the old pain out so that we are not continuing to act out the drama.
Quite frankly I have not been judging N saint -- just hurting and angry from the injustice of her wounds.
I'm just trying to feel and work out my pain -- not do a quick fix.
Ami -- if you get a chance please read the envious pattern thread -- it outlines all the ways I have been looking at myself. If you get another chance read the "safe people" thread, it outlines all of the ways in which I have written about MY PART with n saint and my mom, I'm about 20 steps ahead of you

Your lessons with Ann are not always going to fit to me and they are not always going to me my lessons right at that time. You and I are at different stages and places of our healing journey but both of us have value, wisdom and insights to share.
Your time and love that you give me to try to help me is appreciated and cherished by me.
Thanks for your patience and compassion (((((((((((AMI))))))))))) You teach me about strength and humility.