Author Topic: Pregnant N sent me away  (Read 28869 times)


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Re: Pregnant N sent me away
« Reply #105 on: March 14, 2008, 12:01:30 PM »
I think you're right, that the rational approach is going to be better for you.
So much sturm und drang doesn't help you prepare either for fatherhood or for stepping into the next chapter of your life as a not-yet-father.
Either way, what matters is to build the new belief that you can cope, and not just cope, but find happiness.

Thank you, Hops!

I guess I am not still acting very rationally but I have improved. I am much more detached and cautious, although it is still a dangerous position I am at.

That's a very good point, not just cope, but find happiness. I need to think about that.

I have been reading through your post and I was wondering do you know everything about the Dr's and her pregnancy? 

I don't know how old you both are but I did notice that you say she was getting near age to make the decision to have children now.

I know this is a long shot, long long shot but!!  Do you think she had any testing? Like these.

Amniocentesis / Chorionic Villus Sample (CVS) Prenatal Paternity Test

Just wondering because then you can establish paternity but I don't think you can court order her to do it.  It can be risky.

Hi Deb!

Yes, I tried to talk her into having these tests. But she didn't like the idea. I researched, found out that at her age it is common practice to have the amniocentesis which would provide the material for the paternity test as well. But, since there is a risk, although small, to lose the baby in the process, there's no way I could try to force the idea. Her doctor doesn't like the idea of the exam, either.

Thank you!

Update: yesterday she sent a message, she scheduled the ultrasound to determine the sex of the baby (20 weeks) for Monday, at a time I can go. Not fond of meeting her mother, but I am going to be there, watch my PB!

« Last Edit: March 14, 2008, 12:06:27 PM by hardtotrust »


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Re: Pregnant N sent me away
« Reply #106 on: March 14, 2008, 12:36:04 PM »
Dear Htt,
 I would not do an amniocentisis unless really needed. One of my friends had a miscarriage after it. The ultrasound will be good. It is so neat to see the baby.
 Thinking of you and sending prayers and good  thoughts your way.                 Hugs,    Ami
« Last Edit: March 16, 2008, 11:29:35 AM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

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Re: Pregnant N sent me away
« Reply #107 on: March 14, 2008, 01:05:43 PM »
It sounds like Tina DID go to a sperm bank ---- YOU!  This is trademark N behavior - to use people with no regard for their feelings.

I am so sorry you got caught up in this family's craziness. I agree with Hops - I believe your own sanity and survival rest on the legal avenue of establishing paternity. If it's not yours, you perhaps can rest better and stay away. If it is yours, perhaps you can get a restraining order to keep her from aborting the baby. Who says she's gonna keep it anyway after it's born???

Your pain is very evident in your words, HTT. You have my deepest sympathy and wishes for your healing.

"An unexamined life is a wasted life."
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Re: Pregnant N sent me away
« Reply #108 on: March 15, 2008, 10:25:30 PM »
The ultrasound will be good. It is so neat to see the baby.

Wow, I have seen a few on youtube and it's amazing. Too bad I'm not sure the child is mine, so I can't get more excited about it. Also, even if that wasn't the problem, I feel it would not be wise anyway to have a great display of emotions, she seems to have a problem with that.

Thank you, Ami!

It sounds like Tina DID go to a sperm bank ---- YOU!  This is trademark N behavior - to use people with no regard for their feelings.
LOL!!!!! That's right! I tried to charge her, but wasn't very successful. Seems to me I am the one who will foot the bill.

I am so sorry you got caught up in this family's craziness. I agree with Hops - I believe your own sanity and survival rest on the legal avenue of establishing paternity. If it's not yours, you perhaps can rest better and stay away. If it is yours, perhaps you can get a restraining order to keep her from aborting the baby. Who says she's gonna keep it anyway after it's born???

Well, right now it doesn't seem she would consider abortion. I was afraid of that in the first three months. Now she has so much attention, she would think of losing it.

Oh, and the entitlement reaches new levels. Today I went with her to the third and last class for pregnant women. At coffee break, she started to walk beside the line waiting to get food, trying cutting in line. Remember, it is a course for pregnant women. She is so entitled that every woman in line is pregnant, but her pregnancy is special! Maybe she is more pregnant than the others! I held her purse and asked "Where are you going?" and made her stay in my position in line.

After it is born, even if she doesn't want it, her mother will keep it hiring whatever personnel necessary. That seems the most probable option at the moment.

A friend of mine said that she was very confident that it was mine, because Tina visited me at work, in a way taking a stand. That's correct, but we are talking about an N, and they really believe their lies and fantasies.

Thanks, Towrite!!!
« Last Edit: March 15, 2008, 10:28:15 PM by hardtotrust »


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Re: Pregnant N sent me away
« Reply #109 on: March 16, 2008, 08:32:12 AM »
Dear Htt,
 You seem to have gotten much more peace  inside yourself,since you started on the board.  You seem like you are handing a hard situation with equanimity. Am I right?                      Ami
« Last Edit: March 16, 2008, 11:27:41 AM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Pregnant N sent me away
« Reply #110 on: March 16, 2008, 11:17:48 PM »
You seem to have gotten much more peace  inside yourself,since you started on the board.  You seem like you are handing a hard situation with equanimity. Am I right?                 

Yes, and all the people here have helped extraordinarily.

Well, maybe you are right about handing the situation with equanimity. On the one hand, time has helped me detaching. On the other hand, when she invited me to the pregnancy course, I was present and one of the most painful issues, that was being completely absent from the pregnancy of my PB, disappeared.

It still hurts. Today I went to a bookstore to choose a book about babies, I couldn't. Each one talked about the couple, one helping another. I got sick. I felt robbed once again.

Thank you, Ami!

Do you have any idea who the other candidate for fatherhood might be? If there is one?

Yes, but the list of possibilities isn't short. The first one could be a judge in the countryside, she slept at his house when she went to town to work there, twice a month. When we were together, she was returning at the end of the day, but she worked at another cities very close. Usually when she slept in one of these cities and I phoned her she was very strange, very cold and distant. Other possibility is a dance instructor that she was involved with and refused to end contact. The other one is her boyfriend of seven years, which is still contacting her today, she says.

These are the three main possibilities. But she "joked", for example, that she was going to do it with her therapist. Later I found out he is a fraud and had an affair with his secretary, so I can't count on his professionalism. She also "joked" that she would have "a quick one" with her neighbor.

She had a history of involvement with patients as well. And she had a lot of patients, because she does psychological evaluations. I saw an e-mail where one patient was sorry that she couldn't make it to their date.

I am not going to tell you about one of the possibilities, because it is downright scary.

I expect you wouldn't, but the thought came to me that with your desire to becomes a father, she just might be doing some of these 'so-called encouraging' things to keep you on the hook and then blow you out of the water! A true N would have no problem being that cruel.

But she is keeping your attention all the way along.

I hope with whatever excitement you might feel at the prospect of being as daddy, you can do it with the detachment that you just might not be.

You don't know for a fact there is another prospect, as you have only her word and what does that count for?---getting your attention.

Thank you for reminding me about that! Thank you! These days I have been a little less defensive and that is very dangerous with N's. I do agree with you, she might just be encouraging me, just in case I am needed. And she has been extremely cruel before, not only with me. She is sadistic.

Although in the last contacts I have been present and less combative, I have anyway improved my detachment. For example, I haven't touched her, not even her belly. That would be unthinkable some time ago.

Tomorrow will be a great test, meeting the family for the ultrasound.

I needed to hear words like that. I need to remember how cold she was and is.

Thank you, Grandma Izzy!!!

« Last Edit: March 16, 2008, 11:19:47 PM by hardtotrust »


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Re: Pregnant N sent me away
« Reply #111 on: March 17, 2008, 08:27:24 AM »
Wow HTT,
 I didn't realize she was that promiscuous. That must be awful,for you. I can't really imagine that kind of pain. It seems that down deep, you still have feelings for her,but wish you didn't. I could be wrong,of course.                                                                                            I, still ,think that you are the F,though. It is my intuition.
 You are handling it so well, right now. I am amazed. I really am. You took people's help and really "ran with it".
 You are an inspiration,Htt.          Love    Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: Pregnant N sent me away
« Reply #112 on: March 17, 2008, 01:18:27 PM »
Yes, yesterday I missed her. I wish I had completely forgotten her. But detachment has gone a long way already.

Thank you, Ami, you are so kind! But YOU all here are my inspiration! The board has been very important to me.

Thank you!


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Re: Pregnant N sent me away
« Reply #113 on: March 17, 2008, 09:09:59 PM »
Ami, your prayers were very effective!

There was no problem. Only her mother and sister went there.

And the baby is a...


Many seasoned people always told me I would be a father of girls. If it is mine, the prediction is being confirmed.


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Re: Pregnant N sent me away
« Reply #114 on: March 17, 2008, 10:09:23 PM »
Yesterday you missed her?--like you were aiming your car at her and she got out of the way?  Or an Uzi? Damn it!
.....or your heart longed for the b*tch!?

Izzy, by this phrase alone I can see you REALLY had at least one N in your life!!! Lol!

With all the things I did wrong, at least I knew who my daughter's father was. I cannot imagine being in that conundrum!!
A few woman have told me that. They sad that if they were challenged any minute about the paternity, they would immediately have a DNA exam.

Dissociate! That is what I have done with everyone who ever wronged me in the toxic sense. It was the very, very best thing I did for myself. After that I felt all resentments and anger disappear.

Thank you, Izzy!

Since at this moment I am inclined to believe it's mine and I do forget things that happened quite easily, I know I really need advice like that, to get real. And by what you say, I can see you have really been there. And, as you said, even if it's mine, she is toxic, she has proved it before, not once but many times.

hoping you are not into fairytale thoughts about all this. It is very serious!!!!!
You're right. I have a tendency to fantasize.

I was thinking yesterday... At this moment she's in her most fragile and lonely situation in her adult life. And she has been this difficult. Imagine when she's ready to party again...

I just started today to read the member's stories. I will jump immediately to yours.

Thank you!
« Last Edit: March 17, 2008, 11:02:35 PM by hardtotrust »