For me, the topic of N spots is very helpful. I DO find myself in the place where so much of the unhealed stuff(FOO) wants to come rushing up and out ,now. THEN,it seems the grief can be processed.
So, I want to talk about empathy. Maybe, my "zoning out" is from trauma ,from my M.
When I heard that Scott died, automatic numbness kicked in. When we have too much trauma ,as kids, a numbness(not feeling) sets in ,also. I think that is what I mean by feeling 'gray.
The scary thing about it is that no matter what you do or where you go, it goes ,too.It has to be dug out by the root(IMO)
I know that Scott did so many things, volunteered at so many organizations,and still the "gray" followed him .Maybe, that is why I have such a passion to find it and root it out.
Anyway, my "zoning out" must either be a "normal" thing or something leftover from having to zone out with an N mother. Either way, I have to just put it in the box of "bad" traits,I guess.If it was an adaptive mechanism ,like shock, after Scott's death, then I simply had to have it ,in order to survive.. So, it is NOT good or bad. It is just an adaptation that developed.Now, I have to just see it and not judge myself as "bad" for having it.
I am still in "shock" after Scott's death. He still "seems" alive to me. I still am in denial, down deep.
This zoning out must be the same type of "denial" mechanism ,which is automatic, not voluntary, as shock is automatic,not voluntary.
Maybe, the N spots, AND being an N, is automatic, too. WHO would want to be an N or have N spots?
I became numb in my teens. I guess other things came with it that were not my fault. They "set" in ,like shock has "set" in, now.
So, I guess I need to accept them as adaptive defense mechanisms and NOT good or bad.
I know that what took Scott down was thinking he had "bad" thoughts. He thought that he was "bad" b/c he hated my H. He left a note ,which I can't find,now, that he hated and could not forgive his F.
I told him that anger at his F ,or anyone ,was ok,but he could not see that
I think that "normal" people let all this junk just go by and emotionally 'ill" people use it to judge themselves.
Anyway,I would love to hear people's responses. Ami