Hi axa,
About feeling homeless...
During my recovery, eight years now, at some point I remembered a picture I used to draw repeatedly as a child. Imagine a drawing by a girl about age four and up. It was on lined tablet paper, pretty crudely drawn. It was a house with windows. The windows shone from within. I used yellow crayons to make them shine. I was always standing outside. I now believe that this drawing was about me longing for a home or at least the feeling that I had a home. The house we lived in was as far as I know home for only one person whose absolute rule and reign didn't allow for any others to think of it as home. To this day, I have never experienced the feeling of being 'at home'. My posts rarely contain answers. More often they ask questions. I guess I wanted you to know that you may feel homeless, but you're not alone.
I always like your updates and sharing different parts of your story.