And what strange satisfaction maintains all this
self-destruction? Well, it's the satisfaction of
unconsciously hoping to show the world how wrong it
is. Like Hamlet holding a mirror up to his mother,
hoping that she will see in herself the responsibility
she played in the death of the king, the person
trapped in victim anger will hold
up his own destruction as "evidence" that, he hopes,
will condemn the world.
This paragraph is so powerful for me and humbling -- I realize that all harm, all negativity that I bring, stir up, or create in my life, even the smallest amount, stems from this need I have to self-destruct in order to show the world my pain as proof or evidence of how wrong it is or was.
Now, of course, I have been acting this drama or untold story out in many different ways and in many different patterns, on many levels for many different years. Self-sabotage and addiction are my main two ways of "showing the world" but both of those are no more for me.
It sometimes feels like when the bottom of the wound, or the last vestiges are working there way out of me it is the most destructive and painfully intense. I feel that stage has come and gone. For the first time in many months I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel the suffering is still there but now I can take it, I have finally given up the kicking and screaming, it took 39 years for me to grow up.