Sorry, all.
I'm mad at myself.
I drank two beers and got really tactless.
Lise, I don't hate you at all and it's incorrect for you to say you know what I'm thinking.
It really is a flag I hope you'll spot, when you say "I know ___" and claim you're able to read another's thoughts.
I don't hate ANYBODY!!!!!!! And I'm sorry I've offended. (Carolyn, thank you. Ow, but thank you. You're right.)
I love this board so much and lately I've just felt crowded out. And I miss, a lot, some people who did not talk so much about God, and self-abnegation, and all that. It really was a toxic thing in my child mind that I don't relate to, now. The love? The Golden Rule? Absolutely. (I should practice what I preach.)
I just feel overwhelmed sometimes by the sheer volume of Christian terminology. I'm sorry, but it's true. Maybe it's a little bit like being a black person in an all-white school. Every now and then you wonder, can't we just get us some fried chicken instead of all this tomato aspic?
I think often, wonder often, what it's like for Doc G, who has so lovingly made this place...and who is a secular Jew.
Or for other agnostics, or universalists, or pagans, or nonbelievers, etc.
I just find it harder here than in my daily world. Folks I consort with at work are: lapsed Catholics (1 went yogi-sih after 20 years in an ashram, 1 went secular but, like me, loves African-American church services), and undeclared, and me.
This place is so intimate for me. When the terminology comes in a flood, I feel battered by it. With other folks, I feel the spirit whispers. There's just such goodness and decency and safe harbor in their natures...or that's what I sense.
I really am sorry I've been offensive. I usually am SO intent on not doing that.