Great thread. Growing up, I never thought of my mom as crazy, but knew from a very early age that she had problems. and I considered her extremely mean (now I think "psycho" would describe her pretty well). My father was very normal, and handled her pretty well (at least to me it seemed he did). Unfortunately, we died when I was 11, but before that, he protected me from a lot.
Earliest thing I remember when I knew my mom was "off," for lack of a better word at the moment, was around age 6-7 . When she would determine I had done something wrong needing punishment, she'd get out the cat-a-nine-tails (a leather strap with 9 long thin pieces dangling from it--very effective device), and used it until I cried long enough and loud enough, and she had left enough marks to convince herself she'd given me "what I deserved." Sometimes she'd wait till my dad got home, tell him what I had done, and insist that he use the strap on me for the number of times she had determined -- which usually started a big argument between them cuz he wouldn't just do what she said without hearing both sides of the story. Even at that age, I knew deep down that she was totally unreasonable and out of touch with reality. I also remember being about 8 and her and dad got into a terrible argument cuz it was my birthday and my dad wanted to buy me a bike - she became enraged, and told him the only bike she would allow him to get for me was one from the junkyard, cuz that's where her parents got her bike from, and if she couldn't get new living room furniture, there was no way she'd let him get me a paid-for bike - he did, and suffered much for it, too. I always knew she had some sort of mental problem, just didn't realize how severe til I got older. Ah, the memories ...