Author Topic: No Conflict Zone  (Read 8290 times)


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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2008, 05:07:37 PM »
HI Lighter, the reason I did not start a thread about my week from hell is because we do not have any teachers here on the board. Gratitud28 is a teacher but she is the only one and I see her on line in very few occations. So, I do not want to post a problems where almost nobody, (this is not applied to you) knows about what is to work with spoiled bratts that are 18 years old, drive, they come from rich families, and the administration give them more authority that to the teachers.
I gave a detention to a student who stayed 35 minutes outside of the class, just wondering around on campus, then my supervisor overturned it because she said he was helping another student. I investigated and he helped for five minutes only, the rest of the time he was vagabunding around. Then my supervisor gets mad if they are not in class and she thinks it is my responsibility to keep them in class. She says, write them up, and why do I write them up? for they to overturn it? and I have to fight with the student because they have to sign the discipline referral, and agree with it. They do not want to do it, when they finally do it they overturn it, then they tell me they do not want to lose students because the school needs the money. So, it is very confusing, also, a student said that I give too much work, and he was going to kill me, and the supervisor said that it was just kids stuff, they say seally things, she totally ignored me and invalidated me. NOt only that in class I offered to do an activity on the overhead if they needed help and a student smart ass said that if I was going to sit on the overhead. I told my supervisor and she said that is kid stuff that if I do not like kids I should not be teaching, on top, of the so low salary.
But I hate opinions of people who do not know anything about education, and know nothing about availability of teaching positions, and only believe thet lies of media saying that we are short of teachers, believeuing like stupid that there are many positions available, and I do not want to hear anything about people who do not know how to deal with high school students.
So, that is why.
Sorry if I sound bad, but I feel very very bad today and I do not want opinions, I do not want people to diagnose me or tell me to go volunteer and I do nto want people to assinge feelings to my self, so, that is why I did not start a thread. So, if you want to say something about it I would welcome it, but unless anybody else is an educator, I do not want to hear opinions of people who ignore how is the education system, from the perspective of an exploited teacher, foreign with an accent.


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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2008, 05:51:31 PM »
I am being more prolific posting because your come back gave me energy and enthusiasm to come back and stay. Thank you for coming back.


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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2008, 06:14:04 PM »
Hi ((((( Lupita )))))

In all fairness, the volunteer thing was only ever mentioned by kind hearted folk here months ago in 2007, for an idea to get out and meet new people etc., at that particular time, then.

I am so sorry to know you have had a hellish week with those 4 young people disrupting the classroom - frustrating to say the least. I don't have an understanding of your education system so I don't feel I am in any position to offer any guidance or counsel.  However, I can offer you my sincerest empathy and understanding in the situation.

Take care now, and I truly wish for you, a peaceful weekend.

Love, Leah
« Last Edit: February 23, 2008, 07:15:56 PM by LeahsRainbow »
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO


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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #18 on: February 23, 2008, 08:09:55 PM »
Dear Lea, Thank you so much for your kind words. I wish somebody handed me a solution. Hope you can read my thread about classroom terrorists.
God bless you.


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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2008, 10:32:33 PM »
Lighter, I beg you, please write some essays (you just did) about this ring of Saturn you live in and send them out...that was absolutely farking brilliant.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #20 on: February 23, 2008, 11:57:25 PM »
Geezo guys!!!!!  Ya know......

.....Don't we ALL just miss the heck outta Lighter??   Love the posts!  Love "THE ZONE"

I don't come here much lately due to continued sagas in my life, very interesting stuff, but no time to explain right now.  Taking all my energy to hold center anyway...BUT

Noticed the conflict going on and didn't want to get involved either.  Just handling my own "stuff" right now.  So glad to see everyone posting here to say hello and 'peace'.

CB IS LEAVING????   CRAP!!!!!   NOOOOOoooooooooo!!  Pretty please---CB?  Stick around or at least check in on us.  You were so supportive to me always, and I know so many others.  Keep in touch---somehow...ok? 

LIGHTER----woooohoooo!   Good luck with the munchkins.  Wow---what a process for school!  We are lucky here if they actually learn something once they are there!!!  .....and I about died about the ###farting####!!!!!!!   Hilarious! 

And dear Changing...........praying.......

Hello to everyone!




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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #21 on: February 24, 2008, 03:34:46 AM »

Hi lighter,

Would it help to drive the children to a ruralghetto kindergarten.  I bet you could save enough on the high  powered uppity up city school tuitions to pay for the extra gas it would take.  Lots of time to visit there and back.  Might even give the  little darlins a head start on their first year of public service in a poor country.   Oh, and a few pairs of bib overalls instead of the uniforms.  Am I way out of touch with the rules and regs?  For sure, I'm probably out of touch with schedules and time constraints.

« Last Edit: February 24, 2008, 04:53:59 AM by teartracks »


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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #22 on: February 24, 2008, 07:56:51 AM »
lup-One thing I know is there is so much freakn politics in ANY school.  My kids go to a private school and sometimes that is worse.  Parents with money controlling administrators.  But I remember school and how the cheer try outs were rigged and certain teachers hated you and treated you badly because of who you were or were not.  I would not want to be involved in education!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #23 on: February 24, 2008, 10:13:08 AM »

So glad to see you have time to post for a minute.

So glad to see you here.  I worry about you....... still so heartroken about changing.  ((Sun))

Lupita... I posted to you last night on this thread but cyber space ate it.

Same message.  There are nice people at your school and the same old same old icky unprofessional people who'll be giving trouble to other's no matter what.

I bet it's impossilble to change your expectations of them, and find some distance emotionally, when they're sabotaging your life on a daily basis.

And kids will always be kids.  Nothing to be done about that, esp when some are enabled and insighted by other authority figures at the school.

::shaking head:: 

It's shameful but there it is.  Those people can't do any better.... or they would.

And they're everywhere.  In all walks of life.  At about every job out there.

As for the bad kids, the good kids and the ones who go back and forth? 

The good the bad and the wicked will all grow old and die so...... the replacements are in training...... bringing up the rear. 

What a terrifying point of view to have, as a teacher of 17 and 18 year olds?!?!

There's no changing all of them.... so focus on helping those you can and feeling good about it..... when/if

This isn't about destroying your life..... I don't think anyone seriously has that in mind as they do stupid, mean, unprofessional things to you.  They're just trying to feel better and God only knows what makes people like that tick.  I never tortured a teacher or co worker..... so I can't give any insights.

I can say.... you'll move on at some point, hopefully.

You'll take the lessons with you.....

and perhaps leave impressions on some of the children who's lives you touched.

The paycheck is just a paycheck...... as it will be anywhere.  It's the kids that are at the center of this equation and we're all learning and growing. 

The wicked, the passive, the decent among us, the children, the employers and the employed.

Everyone does the best they can at the time. 

I really do believe that. 

TT..... when I started this whole process I didn't have to drive to a ghetto school.  I could walk to the one accross the street where children were being bused in from different areas.  I waste 2 hours of gas driving to the schools we're in now...... so there wouldn't be any savings in driving to a rural ghettos school... not that I have the brain power to figure out the benefit to it right now: /

::going to another computer::  My 5yo wants to play on build a bear.



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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #24 on: February 24, 2008, 01:30:46 PM »

Let me tell you about the day I took my 3yo to her first school 'observation', lol.

You wouldn't believe how naked I felt in sandals,and sparkley pink toenails,in a room full sweaty desperate parents dressed in suits, power ties and really ugly (closed toed) shoes.

AND.... I had a baby on my colorful silk skirt clad hip: /

They must have been horrified for me, lol.


When Baby J began babbling happily during the forced parent inprisonment chat (with the admissions director.....) she usually babbled during hyms at church, no doubt she thought that's where we were...... I found the pleasant little noise truly a blessing in that uptight scary room full of fear.

Everyone else managed to stiffen up another notch, something I would have thought impossible but nooooo.....

so I hushed her.  No big deal, right?

GOD it was such a needlessly abusive little chat he gave!

He managed to upset all the parents by about 300% and kill my ignorent blissful serenity, pronto. 

Later, the mommy sitting next to me told me she was so relieved that my baby was so well behaved.  Her little boy would have been bouncing off the walls and she had been fearful for me. 

She was fearful bc the admissions people have a lot of power over us..... they can arbitrarily set standards for the children then ignore everything they said they judge them on, which they did in our case. God help the people who's tots melted down during the testing..... or pooped their pants (yes, that happened to my youngest, but that story another time.)

I now understand that it is indeed about politics.

We're all a prisoner of it, at times, Lupita. 

You can feed 25 orphans through the church orphanage in Haiti.... you can bring food to sick elderly people in the hospital every day but...... participate heavily during every clothing and food drive, provide Christmas for 3 children off the church Christmas tree but you aint worth nuthin if you aren't chairing a committee or sucking up in the right way to the right people.... preferably with a 20K check in hand. 

I wouldn't know how to present a bribe like that and not screw it up, btw: /

That GOLDEN TICKET, bought to any school in the STATE if you're child is accepted into the 3yo program at this school, (the only game in town Mr. admissions told us) is a huge money maker for the school. 

I had no idea about any of this when I chose the church and the school.   

Ah hem.

We were wait listed.....

and everyone in my circle was S H O C K E D. 

My book club members at church, my neighbor, other Mother Morning out mommies who sought out my child for playdates to help socialize their widdle puddins.   :shock:

Waitlisted. ::nodding::

I remember comically falling to my knees,in a flower bed,the day I read the letter. :x

I yelled "NUHOOOOOOOOOO" in an overtly dramatic fashion (robably had the neighbors thinking I'd lost someone dear to me.)

The truth was..... I hadn't applied anywhere else.  :shock: 

Holy crap.... what was I going to do NOW?  Pre school was upon us!  I didn't even go to pre school btw.  I don't know why I was so freaked out bc L already knew everything they were going to be going over: / 

But I was and so.....

I'd been rejected by a marginal school,and I really didn't know that every high mucky muck richy rich was applying their child too.

I wanted community not a snobby environment.....

this is a wonderful example of not applying the important lessons I took away from secondary education.

90% research. 

10% execution. 

I didn't know how to play the game. 

I come from self employed creative thinkers who avoid this type of situation throughout our entire lives.  Pretty much at all costs.

I've never voted a straight ticket, to make matters worse, lol.

I don't even obviously belong to any GROUP of people attending these institutions.

That ex head master sneered that people who go to the different schools "don't live in the same communities" they wouldn't possibly end up with their children at the same schools. 

Like I was stupid, lol... I suppose I was in that arena.

What an eye opener. :shock:

So much for searching for schools with teaching philosophies that suit individual children.  ::shaking head::

And they're all so different

Children really could benefit from careful consideration in that area, IMO.

So far.... this entire subject's been carefully crafted around excluding peopole...... not about embracing a child/or steering them towards a place where they'll flourish. 

The word "elitism" comes to mind. 

The word "child" doesn't.

It's about status for the parents, comfort for the parents..... social entertainment.  Not what's best for Jr.

The end to that particular story was a good one.

We ended up at a school with twice the program for half the money and they had a very good flexible after school program and activities.  Very small school.... very small classes.  It was all good: )

Overcomer... they forbid giving teachers gifts at our current school now bc parents were giving trips and hugely expensive things and expecting things from the teachers in return.  Like getting their children leads in school plays, etc. 

Right now.... the demanding parents who get in the teacher's faces are the one's who's little darlings get what they want.

Lupita... when I had some trouble communicating with a PreK teacher.... I felt completely abused by her and unable to be heard.  She made assumptions and did what she wanted to my child.  I was afraid to even question her bc of what she'd do to my dd.

I considered taking her out of the school rather than address the trouble, which I eventually resolved bc of information I got from my daughter. 

The teacher was actually defensive when I solved the problems she was having with my daughter, without any help from her... only sabotage.  She had labled my child in her head and was creating power struggles then complaining to me about the problems without giving me any information surrounding them. 

It was maddening bc we'd just had a magical year where her teacher said I didn't have to attend parent teacher meetings, my "L was doing so well... just keep doing what I was doing, L was her heart."

THe next teacher said she was roiling in class and could I please tell her about my home so she could help me fix my child?  She refused to answer any questions about the class and denied that the new class, peers or teachers could be any small part of the problems so she refused to consider them.  That was frustrating since it turned out that her inconsistency with discipline was causing L to go bonkers and try to control the class.  Once I explained that it was the teacher's job... to only concern herself with her own business... thing cleared up like magic.  She stopped paying attention tounruly little boys and became the lteacher's pet, just like she'd been the year before. 

I'd started dreading carpool bc the teacher would come and heft her ass into my car, in front of everyone, and put L on the spot. "Are you going to tell your mother what happened today.... or am I?"

No info about what happened before the incident, just complaints and plans to change my child completely over a number of years. 

It had taken me so many years to ruin her.... so it stood to reason it would take so many years to completely re train her, yes?  It was nuts!  And that's what prompted me to go see the ex head master guy in the first place.  I thought the learning environment was killing my child's spirit and love of school.  All the sudden she no longer wanted to go 7 days a week with joy and light in her eyes.  I had to drag her into school! 

The teacher never admitted that she was wrong.  She was, however, sitting in a booth next to mine the day I told a phychologist about my husband choking me when I caught him in an affair.... how he'd been financially terrorizing me.  She got up and walked past me with a little smile on her face. 

Of all the Vegan joints in all of the city..... we had to end up sitting in the same one, back to back, within hearing distance.  And my T was becoming hard of hearing to boot so it wasn't a terribly low murmbered conversation either: /

There are icky people everywhere, teachers, parents, kids, clergy members, parishoners, peers..... it's a matter of coping and problem solving. 

I see that more clearly lately. 

Developing coping strategies and problem solving skills that work for us is very important.

Not becoming overwhelmed or even better, learning how to right our boats when do become overwhelmed.  Getting back on track and moving forward. 



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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #25 on: February 24, 2008, 06:16:25 PM »
Well, it is very sad that you had a bad experience. It seems that no matter in what end of the counter we are. We are victims all te time. Or victimized. I dont know.
It seems no matter what I do, I do wrong. Today at church, the worship lieder anounced the wrong order, so I started palying when I should have not. I had to stop. Then she was supposed to do a prayer and she did not, so I was waiting for her prayer to start the doxology, and some members of the choir told me "play', "play", then I satrted to play and the worhsip leader started to do the prayer, then I had to stop. Then they did the anointed, and the choir secretary asked me to come with the choir to the altar so I was anointed too. I got to relaxed after so much praying and after the pastor and the elders put their hands on my head, and when I was asked to go back to the piano to play the next hymn, I had a lot of trouble to get of my knees, arthritis, and the relaxation made me lose the tension on my muscles, and my fingers did not respond, so I was playing wrong notes, I told the secretary to plaese donot order me to go to the altar before I finish the last hymn, because I cannot think clearly after that. She said that she wanted me to be included, they also made me stop during the communion, so I take the bread, and then others told me that I should not stop playing during communion because it creates an aukward moment. Then after service, a member of the choir told me that my intro to the dosxology was not very clear, and I was not following the choir director. Then she proceeded to give me a hug and I pushed her so strongly away that she almost fell. I said I was tired of her remarks and I told  her, dont touch me.
Then I went to eat with my son and he was ignoring me. I left. I am at home now, alon as usual, cooking my self in my own souce. Upset, frustrated and feeling like a victim. Tomorrow, sixth period.
Life is difficult, then we die.


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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #26 on: February 24, 2008, 08:55:43 PM »

Hi lighter,

TT..... when I started this whole process I didn't have to drive to a ghetto school.  I could walk to the one accross the street where children were being bused in from different areas.  I waste 2 hours of gas driving to the schools we're in now...... so there wouldn't be any savings in driving to a rural ghettos school... not that I have the brain power to figure out the benefit to it right now:

I've been put in time out a time or two for how I write here.  It's true I'm not a trained writer and know next to nothing about technical writing.  The point I'm trying to make is that by asking you the following, I'm not trying to make you feel bad about your writing style,  just wanting to understand your style. I think it would help me if I asked you this.  Am I right that you often lampoon the situations you encounter when you post them on the board?  I never know quite where you wish to take me when you write.   




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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #27 on: February 25, 2008, 10:37:12 AM »


::standing  back to look at you in the light of this new name::

So warm to read your post, not sure why but it's reassuring. 

I think bc you're one of the people who've really overcome and learned to deal with a traumatic past.... turn it into something better. 

Some people go through an unbeleivable amount of trauma and still come out ok.  Izzy and bones come to mind.

Some go through much less and never get over it. 

::sigh::  I want to be one of the resilliant ones.... like you.

I like the new name.  It suites you: )

Lupita.... your church situation reminds me of your classroom discilpine situation. 

There are no right choices, are there?

Not if you're trying to please everyone else, anyway.

I guess you do what you know is the right thing then quit thinking about it as best you can.  Good for you.... tell them what order things need to happen in be clear.  Be professional and polite.  Maybe they'll get it right?

I just finished reading EAT PRAY LOVE (when the Texan said "they got mosquitos so big here they could rape a chicken" I about peed my pants, so funny!) and I wish I could learn to meditate.... that might help us accept and make peace with the things we can't change... the unfair things that are so wrong.   

I think about it seriously every so often.... then don't do anything about it. 

I actually think my prayers are a meditation of sorts.  It feels like I'm focusing on one of those eye trick illusions when I pray successfully.  For now, that will have to do.

So you had a bad lunch with your son.  How is everything else on that front going?

TT.... I think lampooning might be an accurate assessment of some of my posts: /

I certainly wanted you to find the humor, I attempt to cultivate for myself, out of the frustrating predicatments in life.

Sometimes I think I couldn't make up some of the stuff that happens to me.  I mean.... come on.... the uptight ex head master, all very proper.... farting on me after he insults me?!!?  Who does this stuff happen to, lol? 

It really did happen to me.

And... another mommy asked me why I thought my oldest dd's pre K teacher didn't like her. 

I said....  'well, she's pretty much labled her a fat, defiant manipulating bully.... "

and the other mommy, who so much wanted to deny that truth, had to admit that was the case and agree that I was right. 

Who does this happen to? 

Me. (all the while understanding there are worse things and they don't only happen to me but I talk about what's bothering me to help me cope)

The above mentioned mama had to laugh when she explained how that same pre K teacher glared at her in the hall later that week... and this after the mama smiled at her.  She was stunned that the dislike of me and my child carried over to HER!!  She understood how big a problem I had in that classroom... after that and all the other teachers went out of their way to be kind and smiley to me, I could tell she'd been talking to them about the dilemma.  This woman had put 3 children through that school... she was well known and loved by all the faculty, she subbed for teachers and nurses.  And then there was this, with me and my child in the middle. 


This is the same mama who had another mama turn her back on her and stomp away in carpool once she realized her/my friend's husband was Mike Luckovitch, (the left wing political cartoonist that draws President Bush's ears in a very large humorous fashion.)     

Right wing school, remember?  These things happen to everyone.... not just me.  I know that. 

I find this all tragic.  Mean.  Heartbreaking for my child and the hearts of nice people who are shunned everywhere.... but I try to find humor in it.  I try to solve the problems I can (as in my daughter's case) where the only solution was helping my daughter find coping stategies for problems surrounding her in the classroom, which I did. 

After it was fixed.... the teacher came to me and said that the problems had "magically dissapeared." 

Ummmm.....magically, my ass!  I'd been through hell figuring out what she'd created and refused to deal with.  It wasn't magic.... it was my heartbreak and my child's heartbreak and tears and months of thinking of nothing else but that, till it was solved.

 I told her that she'd now "met L." 

Something she was unwilling to admit until it materialized in front of her.....  that my child wasn't a fat little monster we'd have to spend years pounding into a decent human being.  That she was a lovely smart little girl who was usually a joy in class.  That she'd(the teacher) been wrong and a PITA and a hurtful, unprofessional bitch working hard at ruining my child's passion for school while dismissing every word out of my mouth and undermining my ability to help her solve the problems. 

Even now.... I can't talk about it to the school people BECAUSE I HAVE ANOTHER CHILD I WANT TO GET INTO THAT OVER PRICED MEDIOCRE SCHOOL.  And they can deny me access.... still might. 

We'll see.

That whole school year was about heartbreak but I have to laugh about it or i'll go crazy, so yes..... I laugh a lot and I lampoon situations others might not laugh about. 

You're expected to laugh and maybe pass along some empathy and good advice.... learn something, share similar situations and be entertained a bit but I don't want you to feel discomfort and confusion about how I intend for all this to be taken.  I expect everyone will have different emotions when they read it.  Some negative but that's OK too.

I don't want you to worry about how to take it. 

Thanks for asking for clarification.

 (((TT)))  I've missed you too and..... what did you mean when you suggested I send my children to a ruralghetto school? 

I still don't understand how I was supposed to take that one.  I only know I haven't taken it any way, so I ask: )

« Last Edit: February 25, 2008, 10:38:54 AM by lighter »


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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #28 on: February 25, 2008, 05:10:02 PM »
I prefer humor over many ways of expressing and processing emotions.

I've been paying attention to the sometimes gentle, and sometimes not so gentle, downward spiral of some of the same aged women on the outskirts of my life. 

People I knew once but hear about from a distance lately.

I wonder if they're on downward paths bc they haven't managed to figure out how to cope....

and if after trauma after trauma....

they just get weaker.....

less able to cope bc their systems weren't strong enough to deal with the little things. 

They're crumbling under the larger things, the accumulation of things the daunting heartbreaks of things.

Is that it? 

Our psyches are like our immune systems and process bad things all the time.... but at some point they just get more bad than they can process and things start to log jam? 

They start to spill over? 

They start to build and build then we're 2 miles up with no way to get down, other than crashing? 

And what goes up... always comes down. 

We'd best learn how to climbe ourselves down safely.... honorably..... keeping ourselves safe and in tact....

or else? 

Will they find better coping strategies and turn things around?

Or have they lost their identities?

Lost their ability/desire/strength to sustain BEING who they spent time and energy cultivating?

Are they unable to stop and change direction.....  for themselves?

Did they really want what they asked for?

The one friend was a happy high income single gal, when I met her. 


20 years ago, she gave me my still favoritest dress of all time.  I've never found one I like better.  It's still in my closet.  I wore it last Saturday night.

She was dynamic and organized and driven. 

She made much more money than her soon to be husband, who'm I've always adored. (I'm told he just started behaving a little oddly lately too) 

I heard she showed up at a Christmas party and had a surprising gray crew cut, looking like she'd just gotten out of bed at an asylum.... escaped her straightjacket, ran down the sidelawn and hitched a ride with helpful stranger...... 

Her husband. 

I'm pretty focused on coping strategies lately.... I want to understand them and pick them apart.... add and subtract.

I know I could certainly improve mine. 

More excercise for sure. 

Self care as a dominant feature...... 

I'm going to start a thread on this.

I know.... we've done this many  times but.... I need a refresher. 

I want to hear what everyone's learned since our last round and what they've added to their toolboxes.

I can see the right way.... I just can't always walk the path.

It really does seem like alchemy at times. 

Or like flipping a switch.... the difference between healthy adjustment, coping and acceptance.... and just barely making it.

If we're just barely making it.... we'd best seek out some better ways to deal.

I know that's part of the equation.


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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #29 on: February 25, 2008, 05:38:55 PM »
Lost their ability/desire/strength to sustain BEING who they spent time and energy cultivating?

For most of the last 17 months since my breakup, that was me, barely finding the strength to get up one more day, to go to bed instead of driving my car off a cliff every evening, just putting my one foot in front of the other with some thin thread of faith I was hanging onto that one day it wouldnt be so bad.'s not nearly so bad, despite having moments come and go when I feel so much hatred bubbling up I'm afraid I'd be arrested or committed if he showed up here again....and so much grief and empty space where my heart used to be swelling, that I feel like I'm falling down a bottomless pit of dark emptiness.

I really like this last post of your Lighter.  I am looking forward to a recap of strengths earned, lessons learned.  I'm hungry to hear about those things from the survivors who have trudged ahead before me.