Author Topic: No Conflict Zone  (Read 8302 times)


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No Conflict Zone
« on: February 22, 2008, 05:11:14 PM »
I checked the board recently and was alarmed to find CB leaving. 

Finding Peace is gone, too.

I don't want to have to leave the board.....

taking a break is one thing. 

Having to go bc it's topsy turvy and alien...... is another.

This is a NO CONFLICT ZONE thread. 


If something negative needs to be discussd.... please start another thread.


Izzy.... sorry to read your legs didn't heal up properly. 

I hope things go as well as they possibly can.  So glad you're getting along with your daughter.

Divinesunshine.... when you check back in.... I'm still here for you.

Hops....... I'm glad you're still posting.... the board wouldn't be the same without you.

Mud...... hope you're still here.... I'm going to need your voice.

Tay and Lupita.... things OK?.


I'd really like to see the spirit of the old board..... if only on this one thread. 

CB.... please don't leave.

You're so many steps ahead of me...... I need to see your light up ahead.

Catspaw..... remind me when it's time to light the fire.

Write.... Axa..... I hope your still here.

I don't want to participate in negative unhelpful confusing conflicts (that I'll never understand and no longer have any interest in figuring out.)

::shrug::  I don't want to read them either. 

I don't know who's fighting with who'm and I don't want to know. 

I don't want to see injured people injur each other. ::shaking head::

Is Changing still MIA? 



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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2008, 05:14:54 PM »
Dear ((( Lighter )))

How truly great to see you.

Hermes has left the board.

Bella has left the board.

I am still hanging in here!

Axa is here.

Lupita is here, not so often.

Changing, dear Changing is still MIA.

Mud is here.

Hops is here.

And  NO Conflict at the moment -- on the contrary, we have been interacting most happily in a happy jollly thread or two.    :)

Love, Leah
« Last Edit: February 22, 2008, 05:41:23 PM by LeahsRainbow »
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO


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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2008, 05:25:44 PM »
Hi Leah.  Glad there's no conflict at the moment.  That's refreshing.

Glad to see you still here and sorry that Changing hasn't returned: (

I'm going to make dinner..... baked chicken again (with nummy french bread broken up on bottom of pan drizzled in olive oil and garlic)

So glad to be back.


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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2008, 05:53:33 PM »

hi, woman!
Post a pic of the bench!

And...your, ahh, situation?
Anything moving?

How are the little darlins?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2008, 06:40:35 PM »
Hi Izz.

Not lonely..... it's more of a marooned thing.

Sort of lost behind the line of scrimmage without any teamates, really.

Plenty of company...... but not the same, KWIM?

Hops.... I'm going to forward the website so you can check out the bench.

On that note... I spent the morning cutting out big curvey pieces of craft pieces to look like stepping stones.  Then I spray painted them with black paint so they look aged and covered in wet mucky mildew.

I then proceeded to get carried away with a hot glue gun and 5 big bunches of 90% off leafy preserved leaves in gold, green, red and orange..... along with a big box of moss I had leftover from last summer and some bark and sticks and pinecones. 

I ended up covering every inch and left a couple mostly moss.  I'll throw them around the bottom of at the sale and you'll see the faux fur rug we made, total of 6.00, from a wholesale buy of separate pelts bought at a jewelry wholesaler.  Buy of the century and I'm trying to figure out if I'll have any power to string lights through branches and attach to the back of the bench. 

I gotta tell ya..... being creative right now is a much needed diversion.

I'm looking for another mosaic project to do with the girls. 

I'm thinking a big face in mostly green tiles, bobbes, stones and marlbles..... blue eyes..... grouted in green. 

What say you?


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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2008, 06:41:23 PM »


Miss you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had a week from hell at school, feel very lonely.

I am very sorry that it took a CB pain for you to come back.

CB, can you just take a brake instead of going? Just a little rest? Nap? SIESTA???????????

Then come back, only read the things you like, and ignore the ones you do not.

I do that.

CB CB CB CB CB CB CB CB CB     I need you!!!!!!!!!!   We need you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2008, 07:06:33 PM »

Waiting for your insightful opinion.

Love to you.

Again, I had a week from hell.


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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2008, 07:15:48 PM »
Welcome Back Lighter                                                                                                                                     I hope that everything is going well for you.                                  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2008, 08:17:23 PM »
Welcome back Lighter :D

Certain Hope

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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2008, 08:25:14 PM »
Hi, Lighter.

Hope y'all are well.


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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2008, 08:32:19 PM »

Good to see you back and happy to meet you in the no conflict zone.




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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2008, 09:58:58 PM »
Lighter!  Welcome back!  Talk C B into coming back!  We need to be able to talk with grace and diplomacy to learn from one another.  I am trying to cut the sarcasm.  Kelly

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2008, 06:24:55 AM »
Hey Lupita, lol!

So sorry you had another week from hell.  What happened this time.... where's the thread?

::Going to check the site you listed::

I got to reading that N info you started posting.  Very interesting stuff.

Everyone else..... very much hoping CB comes back again..... but I understand if she has to go. 

Just a very large space left behind.... I feel like she's one of the board's Old Gaurd.... like we're losing a very important fixture. 

Someone who should always be here.... one of the voices of reason and knowledge...... it;s like a kick in the stomach now that Changings still MIA.

::going to find Lupe's thread on her week, for real this time::

ps:  Overcomer..... cut the sarcasm...? 


Maybe, but..... we still need out Mike Luckovitch on the board.  As long as it;s the truth.... I think sarcasm can cut straight to the point without any dithering lingering post after post of sidestepping around the actual point, KWIM?  Truth.... intention..... these things matter.  I really beleive that..... still believe that. 

Darnit... I keep flicking the  caps key off with my pinky, lol!  I think that means I'm happy to be back.

((((Axa))))..... consider this thread an ex patriot safety zone.  I was so glad to see you still posting: )

Besee..... safe and sound?  I'd love to say that was so.  Post #5 of Lupita;s mentioned thread..... at the end. 

CB..... please don't stay gone long.

Must run and get darling youngest ready for her "K observation" which is one of those terribly stressful upsetting times when a parent bites their fingernails and hopes their child doesn't have a bad morning.  She's got a snotty nose and lungs full of thick icky stuff so.... I'm going to pick up two Venti Latte's and prepare to attempt quitly meditate while she;s being 'observed.'

« Last Edit: February 23, 2008, 06:48:45 AM by lighter »


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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2008, 10:50:54 AM »
Observation for youngest dd went very well. 

We always seem to have an ear infection or fever for these occassions and this morning it was congestion, cough and ear pressure.

Happy to report she went off without a fight and lasted thgrough the interview without melting down.

There was good news in that this years admissions has many more places open than usual.


for 105 applicants :shock:



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Re: No Conflict Zone
« Reply #14 on: February 23, 2008, 03:59:17 PM »
Yup yup yup... for Kindergarten, lollie. 

(Rant warning)

Lot's of competition for schools in this neck of the woods. 

And this isn't anywhere near the top of the list either.

I can't imagine if we applied to the top schools.  ::shudder::

Well.... we applied to the top left wing school last year and my H kicked me under the table 3 times.... in front of the interviewing parent. :shock:

We didn't get in. 

They weren't hard kicks.... they were "don't talk about teacher problems" kicks. 

He thought she was a teacher, not a parent.  At that school the parents make the decisions about who gets in. 

The kids can go barefoot and dye their hair purple if they want.... wonderful programs and NO grades, which I liked for my highly competitive first born angel.   

Right now I have my very round 7yo in pleated plaid skirts with ugly black mary janes strapped to her little feet during school hours.  Uniforms are not a good thing, IMO.

Before I went to visit those left wing folks.... I went to talk to a so called education advisor..... I thought he'd tell me which schools would be a good fit for my children.

I wanted to enrich their learning experience.


Provide them with an environment that facillitated their flourishing learning experience and helped them discover their passions.

Ah hem.

Turned out that the guy was headmaster at the second rated RIGHT wing school for 20 years. 

He was quite impressed with himself too, lol.

I paid to hear him call me the "great unwashed" (which I laughed about, considering the context.) 

I'm not pedegreed and my Grandfather isn't on any school boards buying up land and building wings, that's for certain.

More importantly..... I learned that people don't choose schools to facilitate their children's enhanced learning experience.

Nope nope nope.  Silly me....

They select schools according to their political and religious beliefs.  Mainly political, as he grouped them into Right Wing and Left Wing categories. 


these people choosing schools full of people very similar to themselves......









Who knew?


I no likey.

At the end of the hour the ex headmaster guy got all fidgety and impatient.

He practically threw some paperwork at me......


then popped off down the hall....

towards the bathroom I presume: / 

Poor man.

It must have been dreadful  for him.

Considering I was the great unwashed and he was fantastically pompouse horn (pedigreed, no doubt) so uptight you'd swear there was a stick tucked away somewhere.

All in all..... he regained his composure and walked me to the door..... me trying to remember the quesitons about schools a friend was interested in. 

At the mention of one school in particular, he turned to me and barked.... "just how FAR LEFT ARE YOU?" 

I already told him 'a friend' was interested.  Not me, sheesh.

Moving along and I'm sorry if I've bored the pants off you at this point but it's theraputic to just let it out....

Who knew that we should choose schools according to our political beliefs? 

I had no idea.

After that experience...... I figured I'd go see the Left wing folks in charge of their best school, just to see how the other half of the voters approached this education equation.

I liked them. 

A lot. 

They seemed to be willing to allow their children to become unique individuals, at any rate.  ::shrug::

Oh oh... one more thing this ex headmaster actually told me.....

 I found this information particularly frustrating and unhelpful.

You choose school A if:

You were very attractive... he said that the mothers and daughters actually look similar in age there.

Another school was for the Power Couples in our City.

Yet another school was for those who liked to throw attend snobby social gatherings..... yes.... he only knew about the right wing schools.

He really said all this, and I about fell off my chair when he threw in that one school had THE best drama program.

That was actually information I could use for my purpose. 


 But who knows if your child is  going to want to do THAT when they're in PreK or K?



I was entertained,

but highly demoralized on the school selection front.

You don't even want to know about the rules for approaching, applying and sucking up when you finally make your 1st, second and third choices.  Apparently, you hire this guy to be your mouthpiece and then you have several very specific hoops you find and jump through with a particular demeaner intended to look committed to them but not desperate, for God's sake. 

They have it set up so that you have to pay an admission fee to many schools then freak out going to the mailbox till the first week of April. 

All the schools send out their acceptance letters on the same day and you have no idea who's accepting you or not.  Unless your pedigreed or scored over 160 on the JATP test.... which is another nuckle biting experience I don't want to repeat.

So.... you try not to lie too much then proceed to tell every school that they're your first and ONLY choice...... then hope you get into number one.

If you didn't..... you're then grateful if number 2 accepts you. 

If not.....  you're grateful if number 3 does, and so on.


Sorry for the rant.


I didn't apply to my second,  third or fourth choices for my youngest this year. :shock:

It's gonna be a long wait for that letter to show up.  ::nod::