Author Topic: New Coping Skills for the toolbox  (Read 3879 times)


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Re: New Coping Skills for the toolbox
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2008, 02:08:40 PM »
It's been a while since I've been deeply invested in trying to change things overtly out of my control, Lis.

I think making peace with unfair things that should be in my control, but crazily are NOT, is valid.

Making peace with injustice and possibilites that are scary and threatening, too.  

"If he wants you dead, you're going to be dead.  Get used to it, point your toes and be pretty.  Men don't like tense bitchy women, etc."    

Accepting iinjustice and not caring that it's unfair.... our good friend, changing's, dissapearance for example.

I haven't tried to change a person or circumstances beyond my rational control lately,  though I'll plead guilty to trying to be heard by people who can't or won't hear what I'm saying.  

That's my problem, too.... not theirs.  

There's a fine line between trying to control others and trying to control ourselves, IMO.

An even finer line between trying to understand someone when they don't understand us......


understanding someone then dismissing them (without prejudice) when they turn out to be incapable of considering anyone else's feelings but their own.  

Letting go of the need to be heard or change them into people who can listen, etc. 

Wasted time vs less wasted time.

Dismissal doesn't have to be violent, either, IMO.   Or does it?

It can be withdrawl with love,

for our own good.

It can be a gentle turning away from them, into ourselves.  

Right, lol?

It can also be us turning away over and over.... with them stabbing at us emotionally and legally and committing offenses again and again to regain our attention, too, I suppose.

We can't control them, only our responses to them.

Expectations have a lot to do with how we handle our emotions.... I'll agree with you there..

Our altitude is determined by our altitude and all that: /


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Re: New Coping Skills for the toolbox
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2008, 05:59:31 PM »
With out knowing I have started to recover faster. I used to dwel on a problem forever, and today I came home and I am having a more or less peaceful time at my home. I might even go out to walk in a little. Hope I can detach more easily.


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Re: New Coping Skills for the toolbox
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2008, 07:13:32 AM »
Hops had an interesting though on another thread.

She was saying that her body may have required a certain amount of time to get the old stuffed cellular level pain from her childhood.....


And that she eventually did start feeling better.

Maybe it's got to work it's way out and, since it hurts so darned much, we're driven to educate ourselves and find ways to escape the pain as a by product?

I have no idea but it seems that there's always a certain distance to the void when I'm in it and I can't tell exactly when I'll be released or even why.... I just keep plugging along and trying to learn and add things that will help me feel better.

I'm glad you had a nice evening Lupe.


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Re: New Coping Skills for the toolbox
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2008, 09:58:12 AM »
Caution, Christian content ahead....

This thread is so awesome and full of good stuff for me. 

Being new to the concepts of NPD, I am still very green about all the "Ns and outs" of my issues (ha ha, I made a funny....) with my Nmom.  I have, however, been "in recovery" for a long time, if you count my faith journey as legitimate recovery. 

I would like to share a little of it:
I remember some years ago when I read in the bible where it says to love others as yourself and I had the shocking awareness that I actually HATED myself!  I remember thinking at the time that truly loving others must be contingent upon loving oneself.  The realization was pretty overwhelming, I knew I had to learn how to love myself....

I remember maybe 3 or 4 years ago, sitting by myself and finally realizing and ADMITTING to myself that my own mother did not care about me, did not value me, did not cherish me, did not love me at all, and NEVER would, and how that realization led to such despairing rage and grief (it is so impossible to adequately portray FEELINGS sometimes, no?) and mourning; then subsequently (these things took a long, long time and I am still working on them) deeply grieving the loss of that mother I so desperately needed and wanted. 

I distinctly remember the very moment the Jesus of the bible somehow spiritually made me aware that He did actually love me and cherish ME, that I had actual intrinsic value to Him just as I was, even if I was not doing something for someone.  I finally saw what perhaps "normal" people have always known, the inherent right to take up space and breathe the air on the planet, without feeling guilty.  I remember even in my very messed up condition, the actual rush of feeling that I WAS loved and unconditionally, more deeply than could be understood.  I remember finally getting a taste of this "peace which passeth all understanding."

This was a very intensely personal and private experience for me and was not connected in any way with a church or organized religion situation, simply my exploring what the Bible has to say for me and talking privately with my God....  This was my very own experience.

Bringing you up to date with my current "tools":  I just recently discovered NPD and found this board and the things I have begun applying in the past few weeks that have been helpful to me:
1. Practicing mindfulness and awareness of thoughts and behaviors; thinking things through before acting impulsively
2. Acceptance of my self and my stage in my journey, giving myself more patience, instead of feeling overwhelmed by what is facing me in this new awareness, stopping the dialog of self hate
3. Learning and learning about N. By studying and gaining more understanding of the grievous destruction Ns perpetrate on their victims, I am (hopefully) becoming much more gracious toward others and trying to let them voice whatever they have to say at whatever stage of recovery they are in, like I feel we all have a right to be wherever we are with our recovery at any given moment, even if I don't like or understand what someone is saying.
4. Learning to stop or at least override the Nmom's voice in my head that expects me to take care of her sick emotional needs for me to always fail, always be a loser, always be the bad kid....  This gives me such hope for a productive, healthy future.

Well, there is lots more but that will do for starters.  I feel so overwhelmingly grateful for this board....  Love you guys, V

PS Here is one practical thing I do.  Each day I open a Word document prior to coming and logging on to the board, that way I can cut and paste things as soon as I read something that  resonates with my situation, or tips for dealing with certain issues, books to read, posts I like that are encouraging and healing, etc., etc.  I am compiling quite a good resource notebook for myself.... 


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Re: New Coping Skills for the toolbox
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2008, 10:00:30 AM »
PS Here is one practical thing I do.  Each day I open a Word document prior to coming and logging on to the board, that way I can cut and paste things as soon as I read something that  resonates with my situation, or tips for dealing with certain issues, books to read, posts I like that are encouraging and healing, etc., etc.  I am compiling quite a good resource notebook for myself.... 

Oh, ((( Violet )))

that's what I do, so much easier than writing in a journal.

I named my 'folder' ... "life guide"

Leah x
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

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Re: New Coping Skills for the toolbox
« Reply #20 on: February 28, 2008, 10:02:03 AM »
Violet--YOU are my long lost sister. Oh, How I resonate with what you are saying. You have helped me so much ,today. I will  write more later, after I have had time to think about your many pearls of wisdom. Thank you so, very,very much ,Violet, the beautiful flower!                Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: New Coping Skills for the toolbox
« Reply #21 on: February 28, 2008, 10:12:10 AM »

((((((((((Ami)))))))))  I feel so honored to be counted as your long lost sister!

((((((((((Leah)))))))) Yeah, I called my folder My Life.  I am learning so much, it is so hard though to keep walking through all these painful emotions, no?


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Re: New Coping Skills for the toolbox
« Reply #22 on: February 28, 2008, 12:45:08 PM »

I think that I'm working on giving more energy and strength to the positives, while honoring and acknowedging.... owning and embracing the negatives.

I don't have the trauma in my childhood that some have.... but we all have painful emotions that must be processed in order for them not to keep tapping us on the shoulder.... waiting to be heard.

They do come out....

in all sorts of ways....

if we don't let them have their say.


that said.

I have to re think the good cry (best had in the shower with the house empty) sinking into all the sad, lost, unfair feelings we keep inside that won't just go away...

vs the positive habit/thought/routine of self care and making better choices equation.

We can't just concentrate on one.... and experience balance.

I suppose we have to be aware of all aspects and honor the God's of Ying and Yang...... perhaps not equally.... but honored just the same.

I wonder if we can trace certain personality types/disorders/stuck places for us all, to particular imbalances in how we spend our energy?

Concentrating on the negative in negative angry ways.... say, by choosing partner that is just like an abusive parent..... falling into alcoholism/gambling/sex addictions..... abusing others, blaming only others and refusing to take stock of what is ours.

Concentrating on just the positive while refusing to acknowledge or listen to any of the negative.  I guess this might look like a positive addiction of say.... working out or working or compulsively cleaning or dieting.  Trying to control our lives and bring about apparent positive things but finding no balance, still.

Concentrating on the balance.... and this must be right.

Paying attention to all aspects of ourselves and accepting them, giving them voice, being whole enough to have that validation within ourselves be enough to quiet that part, then turn to more positive aspects of living.  Making mindful choices that may not feel comfortable at first.... but we make them just the same.

It feels like facing more fear.... to say yes to something that's unfamiliar sometimes.  Even if we know it's best for us. 

I know I keep going over and over this but.... I'm trying to internalize it and experiencing a good deal of stress right now so..... sorry.


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Re: New Coping Skills for the toolbox
« Reply #23 on: February 28, 2008, 12:45:45 PM »
I distinctly remember the very moment the Jesus of the bible somehow spiritually made me aware that He did actually love me and cherish ME, that I had actual intrinsic value to Him just as I was

Thank you for sharing dear (((( Violet ))))

When that happened to me, I wept uncontrollably, day after day, feeling for this first time in my whole life, of being loved, just as I am, and being accepted, into loving arms, that have held me, daily.

Leah was never loved ~ however she is loved by Jesus with the love and comfort of God through his Holy Spirit birth.

Bless you for sweet validation of a real love, my first and only love.

Love Leah
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: New Coping Skills for the toolbox
« Reply #24 on: February 28, 2008, 01:25:57 PM »
Bless you for sweet validation of a real love, my first and only love.

Love Leah

It is so freeing!  (((((((Leah)))))))


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Re: New Coping Skills for the toolbox
« Reply #25 on: February 29, 2008, 06:21:44 PM »
Detachmetn is a good tool. Just learning how to get detached. When it hurts, it hurts.
Difficult to detach but little by little. It hurts less and is more tolerable.


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Re: New Coping Skills for the toolbox
« Reply #26 on: March 01, 2008, 08:23:06 AM »
Leah, I meant to say "Thank You."  My post got messed up!  :)  Violet

Lupita, could you write some more thoughts on
"detachment" if you have any inspiration?  I am
interested in what this means and how you have
made it work?  Violet

Sorry guys I have been sick all week, have had a fever
everyday for 5 days (flu?) and am pretty confused
mentally, if any of my posts sound weird, forgive....


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Re: New Coping Skills for the toolbox
« Reply #27 on: March 01, 2008, 08:29:32 AM »

Dear ((((((( Violet ))))))))

The influenza virus knocks one for six and then afterwards it can take at least a couple of weeks to get over the virus, you have my sincere empathy, as whenever I have had an influenza virus, I have felt so tired and out of sorts for a time afterwards.

Rest, sleep, fresh air, and gentle home comforts, helps.  :)

Warm thoughts,

Leah x
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO


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Re: New Coping Skills for the toolbox
« Reply #28 on: March 01, 2008, 08:32:53 AM »
Hey Violet, thank you for asking. I will do it this weekend. Thanks again for asking. That felt good.
Love to you.

God bless you all.