I saw two FOO patterns. I am happy,but it seems like the FOO things have layers and layers.
I saw two things,with the help of my friend.
One was when I made a "mistake". My friend accepted my apology(graciously),but *I* had shame raining down on my head(from myself-my M in my head ,really) I was very distraught, bereft.
It was a combination of many factors, fear of anger, fear of abandonment, fear of making a mistake, fear of myself destroying myself for making a mistake. It was a whole ball of yarn, with me ,in the middle sucking my thumb,if you know what I mean.
Boy, the FOO stuff hurts SO badly. It picks you up, as if you are in a tornado and swirls you around,mercilessly.
Then, hopefully,it sets you down and you can figure out what happened.
Then on top of that, I was feeling SO happy, yesterday, so deeply happy and peaceful and *I* sabataged it by getting in to a shame spiral.
I see that I must sabatage joy and peace b/c I have to 'pay" for having joy and peace,like my M made me pay for anything "good". I have to bring down my joy like my M did----bleh.Hopefully,by facing it,I can heal it.
Can anyone relate? Ami