Student comes to class, five minutes. Then he asks permission to go out to his locker because he forgot his book. Teachers says ok, you need to work. When he comes back he asks permission to go to the office to so something about his schedule. Teachers says, you need to finish your work. Student says, if I do not finish , can I take it home? Teacher says, yes, you can tke it home if you work hard here and you did not finish, by all means, take it home and finish. At this time 30 min of the class are gone. He goes to the office, brings a note from the office and sits down. Student starts working on his vocabulary of another class. Teacher says, you need to finish your work for this class before you start working for another class. Student syas, you are a horrible teacher and you should find another job. Give me a zero if you want. Teacher says, OK.
This behavior with this students is every single day. He does not want to do anything, his mother does not back up the teacher, he knows that the administration is on his side, and he thinks he is above others.
I do not dislike the person, but I dislike the behavrio and feel very sorry that he will have a bad grade if he constinues doing what he is doing.
The verbal assault of this student towrards the teacher is an abuse. But what can be done? Not much.
Any teacher will have at least one student like that, every year. Lucky if it is only one.
The worst, there are many students that are willing to learn, have a good attitud and are excited about studies, but this kind of students ruin almost everything.