Something happened the day before yesterday that sent me into a tailspin of sorts.
My Nmom (elderly and lives several states removed from me) called. We talk on the phone about every 2 or 3 weeks; she lives in a senior apartment complex. After general chit chat, I practiced my usual technique of holding the phone away from me and returning it to my ear intermittently, with grunts of acknowledgement, etc., when she turned the topic to something I knew would be triggering to me. This is one of my sanity saving devices, so I don't have to hear things that will make me crazy for days.
Anyway, as often happens, she giggled and cooed that she was "up to" 97 pounds! Instead of being honest and expressing my fear that this is not enough weight for her 5' 7" frame, and instead of honestly telling her that I believe she may be anorexic, I just did what I usually do, and congratulated her on her 3 pound weight gain!
After getting off the phone and analyzing what I had just done, I realized I have been tricked by her (manipulated) into giving Nsupply with this whole "I am just so frail and thin and helpless" routine, which started when she began to live on SlimFast and went from about 160 to about 90 pounds, over the last 5 years. She has everyone in her apartment complex AND her children "worried" about her weight. I cannot change this but I can change her talking about it to me; I must have this STOP. Since I weigh at least 100 more pounds than she and I have struggled with ED my whole life and she has used my overweight as a way to denigrate and punish me (same as she treated her only sibling, a sister, whom she treated incredibly hatefully) and since I am constantly struggling to follow a healthful eating plan one day at a time and eat properly and lose weight, this whole conversation was very triggering. I lost my focus and fell into a binge, with the ensuing emotional blackness. I am just so freaking discouraged at my self destructive eating behaviors, because they are just symptomatic of my own lifelong self hatred, learned at Nmom's knee.... Can anyone of you relate to any of this?
Anyway, this is what I want to do; please anyone, comment if you wish or will:
Next time I talk to her, I will say, "Mom, I need you to do something for me. I need you to NOT talk about how much you weigh unless or until you reach 120 pounds, which I believe is a healthy weight for you. Telling you I am proud of you when you are 97 pounds is actually telling a lie, I am not proud of you, I am worried about you. What you eat and how much you weigh is your personal choice and personal responsibilty. I have a responsibility to myself to NOT LIE, so please do not expect or encourage me to do so. I also feel you are getting lots of attention by being underweight and that is not healthy, but is your choice. If you tell me your weight again, I will be honest with you and tell you what I really think, from now on. I think you actually need counseling for elderly anorexia. I will also immediately cut our conversation short. I do not want to be put in the position of lying to you anymore.... Please agree NOT to tell me what you weigh anymore."
So what do you guys think? I do not want to tell her I am struggling with my weight, as she wants me to struggle and to fail, I need to keep her "voice" out of my personal struggle. Her being thin is one way she can demonstrate what a failure I am, she could never admit that we are both on the same spectrum of self-hatred but at opposite ends. I need her to NOT talk about her weight anymore....
Thoughts or feedback?