Hi G28,
Yep, loved your posts, and the topic. I guess it means you're in touch with your feelings, which is important. I was wondering if there was anything I could say that might help. Then I read it again and found the part I think I can help you with, but I think we need Izzy's help too.
Izzy Izzy, hey girl, get over here.[/b][/size][/size][/size]
"I also find myself back to wanting to annoy her. I am not trying yet, but I feel that "need" coming on..."Leah's list of P/A things is definitely the way to go. Could be useful to get the ideas bank flowing? Then a bit of prune juice thrown into the coffee? There must be a square-off allowed for the beer joke. I have a few appalling articles on the awful diseases that cat's pass on to their owners. Do you want me to find them? Maybe you could print them out and turn them into colorful place mats for the breakfast table when she arrives. I might be able to find some exciting enlarged shots of feline parasites that they say enter their owners bodies and cause a mental deterioration of some type. That's a novel conversation starter.
You said she 'has' to come because the children know. Is there any way you can have a medical emergency, perhaps an emergency tubular ligation, or an ingrown toe-nail operation the day before she arrives. Then and you just stay propped in a chair, covered in bandages. She'll have to do all the work, cook, clean, pack away. That will give her something to complain about and look good about for years.
No wait, I'm getting closer to the perfect solution. We're all about taking control and being personally responsible, aren't we? What if you go get a couple of wisdom teeth out the day before she arrives. You don't need them. Then when she comes you won't have to talk to her, because you can't. You can not talk, and be agro at the same time, and not get blamed for it.

Can you move house before she arrives and
forget to give her the new address?
That's it for me. I haven't any more sugestions other than to tell her, "Hey mother, I really want to experience something new and different in our relationship. Something we've never done before. Let's talk about me and my life and my children for a while."
I hope it all goes okay , and you can successfully hide the body.
"I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me all at once."
-Jennifer Unlimited-