I have to rely on my Aunt as a person who is "normal". To me, she is as "normal" as *I* want to be, anyway. When I talk to her, I try to see how she negotiates life : her feelings, her needs,other peoples, how she stands up for herself, how she gives in etc.
I try to listen ,between the lines.My Aunt,my M's sister, stands as a beacon of dignity ,warmth and love to me. I say that aliens must have taken her up , raised her , and put her down b/c she bears no resemblance to my N mother(lol).
If she has a feeling,such as jealousy, selfishness etc, she attributes it to "being human" not "bad'. In fact, when I would tell her how I thought these feelings were "bad, she would simply say, 'That is silly, dear."
She accepts what I was told was '"bad", as simply human.
I see that she loves herself and gives forth love to others from her core.
She accepts imperfections,in herself.
She stands up for what she wants and needs,in a comfortable way.
She has put herself ,in order, so does not need a therapist. She has her 'id" feelings, which she accepts, as human. She can love herself, with her imperfections. She tries to live with values and integrity,but does not punish herself ,if she fails.
She does not have to be "perfect". She can be flawed.