A student was trashing my classroom. Tape everywhere, I mean sotch tape, clips in the floor, my things out of the desk, out of the drowers, dates and work erased from the board, my hispanic decoration broken. He did it several times, until somebody gave me the tip who was doing it. The principal called him, he conffessed.
Today in chapel, infront of all the high school and middle school students, the bible teacher asked him to stand up, then he told everybody, "you see this guy?" "He protets my stuff, do not mess with my stuff"
I felt so sad.
And this is the bible teacher.
I told the student: "God must be very proud of what you do, protecting Mr. Bible teacher's belongings and destroying mine".
Sometimes I am sad I work with Christian people.
God will help me to find another job. Please, pray for me so I can find another job.
On top I had a car accident. Fortunately nobody got hurt. And it was not my fault.