Dear James,
I wll tell you what happened. My friend was here. She was telling me about her H,who IS the worst H I have ever seen, and I have seen quite a few(lol)
I wanted to give to her,but after a half an hour, I felt exhausted and shaky. I told her that I wished that I could help ,but I have very few reserves, and not even enough to listen to problems, right now. I said that I was very sorry,but I had to go. She said(nastily),"You were NOT very good (i.e. strong) before. I said,"That is true,but I am WORSE, now."(lol)
I guess that I need to respect the physical state of shock ,which I have . I am told by other parents ,who lost a child, that I may have it for a year.
Also, I am facing the truth about my M, her pathological selfishness. It is a bite--a real bite.Part of my emotional illness(the biggest part) was that I wanted her to be a loving and caring mother. I chose to believe that lie, rather than face the truth, which is she would destroy me to feel a little better about herself ---bleh.
Only s/one with N parents could understand .
I have SUCH a rage against her ,right now. Thanks for caring,James, and for your hug. It reached through cyberspace to me. Ami
PS I always think of Kelly ,with this. Many M's who lose children never get their periods ,again. Mine is two months late .Kelly, you can imagine how I feel----bleh.