I'll say upfront that this is a vent. I just needed an outlet to express what I'm feeling today.
This being Easter, my Nmom and co-D dad naturally spent the day with my Nsister, the chosen child. So, I spent the afternoon with my "healthy" brother and his family. He hosted an Easter dinner for 20 people. I am always the only person there who is not related to his sister-in-law. It is always a bit stressful but today seemed so much so. There was a lot of true celebration at the dinner due to happy events occurring for some of their family members. A young niece was there with her boyfriend announcing their new engagement and plans for a destination wedding. Her parents were there also celebrating a 25th wedding anniversary and their upcoming anniversary trip to Aruba. Another sister was there with her husband and three children talking about their plans for a vacation and their twin's upcoming communion celebration. My brother was talking about his recent business trip and relishing in my niece's activities.
It was just all too much for me. I was sincerely happy for them---weddings, anniversaries, children, vacations....But I couldn't help feeling very alone and left out....I couldn't help looking around the room at everyone and wondering that they had or did that I didn't. Why had I never had any happy moments to celebrate? Why did these others always have happy events to celebrate with seemingly little effort? The one girl who just got engaged, for example, had no business experience and no education yet got a really good job easily. She never wanted for boyfriends and now nabbed the guy she has been after to marry her since they met.
I don't mean to sound selfish, because I truly am happy for the....All the events they are celebrating are really happy ones, worthy of the champagne and cake celebration that occurred today.....But I couldn't help thinking, especially of my brother, why he couldn't see how such a day might be difficult for me...I remember a few years back when he and his wife were having trouble getting pregnant, he took me aside one holiday and make a point of telling me to avoid talking about any topics related to families or children because his wife was having a hard time dealing with her disappointment. Of course, I understand and made sure to steer clear of any such topics and tried to cheer her up. The year she did become pregnant, I acknowledged her mom-to-be status on Mother's Day with a card and small gift....I just couldn't help wonder, "Can he really not see why such a day would be difficult for me on a certain level even if I was happy for them?" "Couldn't he see how being surrounded by people who were experiencing happy, positive events, surrounded by people who loved them and paid attention to them, could make me feel?" But I know he doesn't think that way. In fact, when I got ready to leave early, he was shocked and asked me "Why?" in an incredulous tone. I just couldn't handle it any longer....I had to leave.
I know this all makes me sound really selfish...but I just can't help thinking, "What is so bad about me? Why has nothing happy or positive ever happened to me? Why am I never a priority for anyone?
Well, I apologize again. Like I said...this was just a vent....Just feeling sad and trying to cope with my sinking depression....Trying to keep some kind of perspective so my thoughts don't go in a direction I can't afford to let them go...
Thanks for listening...