Dear GS,
Just thinking of you,today.
We are on the same path, trying to modify old messages ,which do not make sense,(and never did). I have been having some strange days ,as I change.
Today, I see,more, that we are 'human",not "bad".
My Aunt is as "bad" as we are, but she sees herself as "human' and so she does not give herself"bad" messages, as we do.
My Aunt says,"Ami, dear, WHAT is it that you think is "bad"?*I* know you and you are NOT "bad".
I try to explain that I was conditioned to think that ANY needs or wants were "bad"(selfish).
She says "That is silly,dear."
GS, WE are fine. It was just the conditioning (parenting)that was "screwy".
We will have fun doing our Bible study, together. Hurry and catch up to me(on the second part of the first set--lol)
It will help to see that we are part of a larger plan, which IS in order. That always helps me.There IS an order. I just have to find my small place ,in the order.
It helps to take away the "bigness" of my life and make it a small"ordered' life, in God's eyes, if not my own(lol). Love and Peace to you, Ami