Dear GS
I am glad you are feeling a little better.
For me, the Bible study has really put me in a new dimesion. I realized that I had been trying to get back" to a time and place when I felt whole. I did not know God then.
Yesterday, I realized, from doing the Bible study, that I should NOT be looking backward. It was a happier time, yes, but I did not know God then, so it was not a "better' time.
That "me" is gone b/c I am with God ,now, and I am a different "me".I should not aspire to be "less" than I am ,now,which I have been doing.
I realized last night that Jesus was the answer to all questions, little and big,all fears, all dilemma's, all heartaches, all NM pain and sorrow.
God's love simplifes complex issues.
I realize that He loves me and who am I to argue(lol)?
He made me and values me, so who am I to disparage myself?It is an affront to Him for me to hate myself.
The Bible study flipped my mind from many nonessentials to a few essentials.
Perfect love(knowing God's love) casts out fear b/c it is higher than any human dilemma, I think.
It is the heart knowing that makes the difference.During the last 14 years, I studied the Bible for hours and hours and never really got it ,in the heart. Now, I hardly study and AM getting it in the heart.One drop of it ,in the heart ,is better than an ocean,in the head,I think.
Thanks for your friendship, GS. Love you, Ami