To get back to the topic of strongholds; a stronghold is a thought that keeps repeating in your head. My friend told me that she had a stronghold thought that she did not deserve anything good, b/c of mistakes.
I am noticing my strongholds. One is 'I can never be "normal" b/c I had my M."
Another is I am "bad" b/c I am "selfish".
Another is I am too weak to function in the world.
Another is that I will never stop turning on myself and will never be able to be my own best friend,so why not just give up, now.
Another is that I have to cling to "safety". I have to try to make my world very small ,so I can be safe.
Another is that I cannot deal with people's anger.
People's anger means that I am "bad".
It shows the "truth" about me, that I am "bad"
Another is that I have to hide who I am so I don't get shamed.
Another is that I have to give myself away to you ,so you won't shame me.
Another is that if you like me, *I* don't have to feel shame. I can avoid it.
Another is that you have to think I am "normal" for me to not feel shame.
Another is that if you think *I* am weird, I have to shame myself.
Another is if I am selfish ,I have to punish myself.
Whew--I did not know I had so many.
I have more, I am very sure.
I think bringing these things to light is a way to heal.
Thank you to anyone who "endured" that list. Love Ami