The Bible calls "strongholds" ,thoughts or concepts which have a "stuck " place inside you. They repeat and repeat and at some point, you accept them, as "normal".Thay just are and they are an inextricable part of you. You never even question them.
I realize that a big stronghold for me is that I will "never be OK(normal, capable of functioning well) b/c of having my M.
I feel like I got a "joker' card which doomed me to emotional illness, weakness, submissiveness, no power,no strength, no courage,no integrity etc
The "best " I could do was be submissive to s/one and get the crumbs of their approval and be HAPPY for it. I was doomed to play the submission game. The rules were that I "died" if anyone got mad at me .I "lived" when I pleased you, never made you mad.
Last night I called my Aunt, sobbing. She was so sweet .I told her I met a man, whom I loved and when I was strong enough, would leave my H.
I told her that beyond a relationship, *I* had to be whole.
My life has come crashing down. I, always, tried to be the kind of M my aunt was. I always watched her with her kids. She was so kind and loving. I always thought of her ,as I raised my kids. I WAS like that. I still don't know why it all came crashing down ,so badly with my son commiting suicide. I thought if you had a good mother, everything would be allright. I didn't think you could go so "bad", if you had a mother who loved you. I treated Scott with so much love.My Aunt's kids love her. She earned it. I thought Scott would be here,as my Aunts kids are.
My Aunt encouraged me to make my life good.She said I have what it takes to go forward and chose to have a good life. Ami