It seems like everytime I get something good going in my life . . . Nmom has to trample all over it again. We are back to NC.
Apparently when my son spent a couple of days with my mom, he let it slip that not only were we buying a house, but that my girlfriend was staying with us while her car was fixed. Now, he loves my girlfriend, and she's great with him. He likes it when she stays with us. They play and goof around with each other.
When my mom found out about my girlfriend staying with us, she told my son that "she knew what was going on." He didn't tell me anything else, but I'm sure she had other words too. She hasn't been speaking with me since I got my son on the Friday after spring break. No phone calls. Nothing. I did find out last night that she had called my sister-in-law to talk about me and my house.
My girlfriend and I had a little bit of a fight last night over the situation. It's a catch-22 no matter what I do. My parents are very unaccepting, and I've always been the "black sheep" of the family. I decided last night that I wanted to tell my brother the truth about my girlfriend before my mom said something and blew things out of proportion. I'm scared, because my brother and sister-in-law are the only members of my family that I actually trust. I don't know how he'll take the news that the friend I've told him about is more than a friend.
I don't know what to do with my parents at all. No matter what I do, people are going to get hurt, and I don't like that. I feel like I'm being forced to choose my life with no family, or else give up my life in order to keep my family. I don't like that.
I just want to be happy, and it doesn't seem like I can do that as long as nmom's craziness is around. I find myself wondering what she's going to try. Is she going to hire someone to follow me? Or is she going to find some reason to take me to court? Or try to get custody of my son? I don't know. I don't know that she's even drawn the right conclusions. She hasn't said a word since spring break, and I doubt she will unless I make the first step to reconsiling, but I don't know that I want to. Life is much less stressful when I don't have to sit around and wiat for her to call.