Hi Michelle.
Thanks for sharing those emails and replies. Your writing is great. Hers is sadly family-iar.
This thread, sad as it is, is an *inspiration* because it points out just what these NPD mothers are like. And the courage of you, Michelle, in dealing with it with such honesty and integrity. I know it is sad now but I'll bet - after a few days - you might just feel like a huge burden has been lifted.
I hope your life takes off in exciting new directions without her. I am on that precipice too. I was hoping (really, hoping) my evil mommie witch had decided to take a break from *me* and my "complexities" - for good - but, unfortunately, I got an email from her today.

More than evil, actually, I am afraid of the pain involved in standing up to mine. But I feel it is leading to this and your thread highlights ALOT.
One thing that really stands out for me is the lack of anger/emotional fragility/hysteria in your writing. If you feel comfortable, would you mind sharing any techniques you have for getting yourself in the frame of mind to write such calm and to-the-point letters and replies - in a way that she cannot see your insecurities. For one thing I know about my N regime - as soon as they sense even one, tiny little insecurity in me- that is when they go for the jugular.

So I always face writing or dealing with them with a great deal of trepidation.
Anyway, I hope you have a
GREAT August, Michelle.