General update on my shade o' the week.
Not blue, really, but a little gray. A little scared, as the court date is Tuesday.
Hopefully, the lawyers emailing back and brother will settle somehow.
As it stands now, my mother's new will stands, so I do not inherit the house free and clear,
so at pushing 60 I'll be starting a mortgage. Don't mind so much, except on my salary there's no way I can manage it all.
Next plan is to find housemates. We have an interim minister coming, who may rent my spare room and study (share the kitchen). If that fails, a friend of mine had a wild idea. Since it's a sizable house in a good location, why not rent the whole place to a visiting professor for several years, and live very simply with a friend? Rent a room myself?
Then all the rent could attack the mortgage and in several years, I'd own it free and clear.
Radical notion, but I like it. Well, don't LIKE it, but I'd do it if I had to.
Hmmm. Either way...can't claim it. Can't buy paint and go nuts decorating. Not yet.
But I'll be okay.
I have noticed myself boycotting my visits are dwindling to 2 a week this week, rather than every other night. Just don't feel much like it.