Author Topic: so blue I'm purple  (Read 18421 times)

Gaining Strength

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Re: so blue I'm purple
« Reply #60 on: May 21, 2008, 10:16:08 PM »
That is incredibly shocking! 

I didn't realize that she had slipped so quickly into a dementia.  This whole thing is such a mess.  When the shock wears off I hope you can sit silently and let some wisdom just drench your mind  so that you might have clarity about how to move forward.  It  is jarring that your mother let him know about the new will and not you.  It is a last jab from the world of dementia to let you know that she never changed.  That is the cruelest of cruel.  I have no delusions that my mother will do the same.

How much time lapses between the two wills?  Just curious.


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Re: so blue I'm purple
« Reply #61 on: May 21, 2008, 10:54:49 PM »
Two years...
(and two instances of general anesthesia, which is what really kicked it in...)


(I felt safe and happy in this space. I was starting to take joy in it now.
I guess she knew I would...that was the mistake. Hope and joy.)

I guess she had no vision for me having a peaceful and happy future because it just didn't matter enough to imagine it.
That would've required empathy and caring.

But she threw me under the bus to get some kudos from her sociopathic, absent, lying son.


« Last Edit: May 21, 2008, 10:56:32 PM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Gaining Strength

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Re: so blue I'm purple
« Reply #62 on: May 21, 2008, 10:57:26 PM »
I feel it as though it were me - right along side you.  It puts me in the desire for vengeance - a place I don't believe in and yet I want vengeance for you.


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Re: so blue I'm purple
« Reply #63 on: May 21, 2008, 11:28:12 PM »

I am so sorry.  It's a lot to swallow and a kick in the head.



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Re: so blue I'm purple
« Reply #64 on: May 22, 2008, 12:03:01 AM »
I'm sorry to hear of this turn of events.  It is so wrong and yet the Ns will never see it that way, so intent are they on their own "survival".  They are just Need Machines who only care about destroying the competition.  And in their minds, that is us.


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Re: so blue I'm purple
« Reply #65 on: May 22, 2008, 08:06:25 AM »
Dear Hops
 I am shocked and NOT shocked, at the same time.  The N always goes to depths we can't imagine.
 When I realized that memory about my M, I thought,"How could I mean so little to her?". I DID mean so little to her. That was the worst part. I did mean so little that she wanted to shock me to get power over me. It made my whole life make sense, all the "litttle" incidents that could not add up, b/c my mind "wouldn't " add them up.
 We don't want to have the ultimate betrayal, our own mothers.
 I am so, so sorry, Hops.        Ami

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Re: so blue I'm purple
« Reply #66 on: May 22, 2008, 08:40:36 AM »

((((( Hops )))))

My life story, mother and siblings, is a long one, however, please know that I truly identify with that sinking feeling upon knowing what was done against you, behind your back.

I am genuinely saddened to know that your mother and brother have done this in secret -- which is an insidious act.

Love, Leah

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Re: so blue I'm purple
« Reply #67 on: May 22, 2008, 10:21:22 AM »
Hops - it ain't all said and done yet... so don't let yourself think that the universe doesn't have a few surprises up it's sleeve in your favor! It's still possible that the final outcome - still in the realm of future possibilities - could be more beneficial than any of us can see at this time.

I know it feels bad, sweetie... it feels worst-case scenario... and you so don't deserve this. Don't dwell on your mom & brother - I think they're both past human decency now, in different ways. Dwell on you - and when you need us, we'll be here. We all owe you the same caring and comfort and support that you've shown us.
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Re: so blue I'm purple
« Reply #68 on: May 22, 2008, 08:52:13 PM »
Oh Hops.... just when you think it can't get any worse.....

it does.

I wonder why we're always surprised.... over and over and over again.

On some level... people who'd never DO anything like that.....

can't understand how other's keep doing it.

I guess we're hoping and waiting for them to change.... if only a little.

So so sorry.....

you're mother.....


like being yanked under the stairs again... and your mother's helping him this time.

I can't tell you how proud I am that you kept him out of your space. 

You don't need the added stress of being under siege, where you should feel safe.

They can take many things from you....

 but they shouldn't be able to follow you into your bedroom or go through your things....

your computer, steal your personal space. 

Someday we'll learn why these kinds of unfair things happen to decent, nice people?

You've been through so much..... (((Hops)))

I'm so sorry this happened to you.



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Re: so blue I'm purple
« Reply #69 on: May 23, 2008, 07:20:46 AM »
SS, I hear your sword rattling...I sure can understand why you understand! ((((SS)))) I'm sorry it's triggering to you but it makes a lot of sense to me that we have similar issues, particularly around being manipulated with money.

And thank you, have been very kind. I truly appreciate your comments and sensitivity.

Leah--you're right, the secrecy makes betrayal even uglier, so...warlike. As though things have been plotted in whispers behind trees while we were skipping along in the moonlight humming. (Oh well. We saw the beauty of the moonlight while they were focused on their ammo.)

Ami, so true. It must be bio-wired in us NOT to imagine this kind of disregard. So the shock still gets us. (It's like book learnin'. Book learnin' doesn't tell you how to be ready for attack, that's a deep cellular wise-animal kind of thing. And we get our wise-animal confused right out of us, with an Nparent...we're still like animal babies on some level. That early human infant dependency still lurks. Ugh. I want my inner animal back. Her, I can trust.)

Amber, your message moved me very much. I was so grateful to read that but I also kept squinting...because it was hopeful. Hope is a trickster, maybe? But it was so good to read your view of positive possibilities. I do need to remember that asking for what I want and then releasing the outcome usually makes way for good things. Thank you. My minister said similar things when she was here yesterday. She said I need to grieve this last loss of safety and trust with my mother, said she is "really ill". And at the same time, hold myself open to the possibility that if I am forced out, I could still find happiness in a new home. So no shortcuts on dealing with the feelings, but I need to challenge my attachment to the place. I realized today that it's the land, the specific earth and trees, I would grieve as much as the building my Dad and greatuncle built. I saved one tree when they were going to cut it down in 1968...its like a friend greeting me every time I look out. Etc. I have always attached so deeply to place. (I need to remember CB's anguish over leaving the farm, and how her courage and openness led her to love her new home.)

Lighter, under the stairs with my mother helping him. Oh, my dear. Did you nail it or what. Thank you. I feel so seen.

With much love to all of you.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Gaining Strength

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Re: so blue I'm purple
« Reply #70 on: May 23, 2008, 08:51:23 AM »
My minister said similar things when she was here yesterday.

So glad you have such a minister who can minister so well to you. 

My heart is grieving along side you.  I have had so many homes ripped out from underneath me.  Just a year ago my father took away the river home he had given me.  A place I had spent so much of my youth and had hoped to have for my son.  A place my great grandfather had built.  A place I never had the money to fix up.  So much loss for me.

not to mention the home my father grew up in and I later grew up in which he sold when my parent divorced and the home my mother grew up in which she did not buy when my grandfather died and she was moving b/c of the divorce but a few years later she pondered out loud that she wished she had bought it.  That pondering was such a kick in the belly.  She had NO attachment to place and mine was viscerally deep.

I grieve with you.


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Re: so blue I'm purple
« Reply #71 on: May 23, 2008, 09:31:11 AM »

What really upsets me is that you have been such a GOOD person throughout. You were able to set aside the fact that your mother was less than stellar and take care of her. You did not ask for anything and you truly went beyond what a wounded person would do in the situation. You have always said that you know she wasn't nice, but she is old now, and needs to be taken care of. This all makes the situation SO WRONG. I am so disgusted with her, and your brother - all of them. I can't believe there are people out there who care more about money than about happiness. Your brother is one of those (as are my parents). It makes me sick. I am so sorry that you have been treated like this.

Please have faith in God and that he will not give you more than you can handle. There will be something for you, even if you can't see it now. I know he will help you land on your feet. And now you can truly be free of them.

Lots and lots of love, Hops.

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Re: so blue I'm purple
« Reply #72 on: May 23, 2008, 10:28:57 AM »
Oh Hops... your explanation about attachment to the trees moved me, very much. I know this feeling well and I can't stop the tears... I don't even want to.

During that awful black hole time while I was being shunned... (for being my self and not what my mom told me to be)

I comforted myself finally, by remembering the room I slept in at Grandma's when I was 4-5-6... I already had anxiety about sleeping, 'coz that's when my parents fights were the worst...Grandma would rub my back and tell me to watch the shadows of the pine tree branches in the streetlight glow on the wall... she told me these were the fairies dancing because the night was the safest time, the happiest time for them, in the moonlight...and I would fall into restful sleep; sleep the whole night through.

At this house where I returned to the bedroom of my earliest years, between the house and the awful trailer my mom chose to live in, was an ancient oak. The trunk was so large that even with my long arms I couldn't reach halfway around it; must've been hundreds of years old even then... part of the original virgin forest that once covered Ohio. This tree was magical, like Tolkein's Ents... it was my guardian, my comfort... as long as the tree was there, there was still goodness in the world. I left Ohio in 1980. And every time I returned to visit - I always made a trip to visit the tree. Say: hello, remember me? (I had a real hard time explaining this to people and took a lot of crap for it...) Without that tree or the memory of the pine trees and how simple, good and magical they are - I don't know if I would've survived. It was the only comfort I had.

Last time I visited the tree, I saw that a very large central branch had cracked off and fallen. Maybe lighting; maybe wind... slightly damaged; but still healthy.

When I left hubby #2 in '99, I left behind hundreds of daffodil bulbs that I'd divided and planted over the years on the hillside; hundreds of herbs terraced into the hill, large rhododenrens, and the red spruce that stood guardian to the house I designed and we built. The bulbs came from my grandma's garden years & years before. I returned a year or two later after we split, to retrieve a large oak cupboard that I couldn't take with me, at the time I moved out. And driving the 1/2 mile long, winding, tree-lined drive up the hill to the house, I couldn't stop the tears... I cried the whole time I was there. Not because of the man I left - but because of the pieces of myself that I left there - like some female Johnny Appleseed... the plants, the trees, the bits of cleaning up I'd done the length of this driveway... and I was feeling, seeing my SELF from all those years of work... what I put into the place; the sense of place.

But leaving, the tears dried up. And I realized it was a good thing to leave these little pieces of me - my cultivation, my building, creativity - in different places... because any time I returned, I find another piece of myself... and I was learning that where ever I was in the world, I would always make it "home".

Gotta go now... I'm either going to smoke to stop the tears, or let loose... don't know which yet...
and I don't think I can blubber online.
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Re: so blue I'm purple
« Reply #73 on: May 23, 2008, 01:35:38 PM »
Hey Hops,

There is always betrayal with Ns.  That is one thing that we can be guaranteed sad to say dealing with such a person. Ugh, it makes me sick.  Yet, we never know what the betrayal will be and when it will hit.  Always living on the edge with these kinds of people.  Walk on eggshells. 

I have faith in you dear hoppy.  Whatever the cost, it will never be your soul, your person, your goodness.  This is just another loose end to tie up. 

Whatever happens and I hope you get what was promised you but if not you will go on and this material thing although sentimental will not Crush You it may hurt but you will prevail as always.

I see you, if not, in the house now in a Cape Cod style house.  All warm and cozy decorated.  Gardening outside with a content look on your face, a white picket fence and maybe with a beach look effect to it.

So if you are here or there the only thing you have lost or gain is a house and just which one but where ever you go or stay it will be with something no one could ever take, ever can, and you will bring yourself (home) they say home is where the heart is, so you can go anywhere and it will be home.  Something that others do not have. They have a house they have no home.  Home and happiness comes from within then you just put a roof over your head.  You don't put a roof over your head to feel home. 

Know what I mean?

It's going to be ok.



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Re: so blue I'm purple
« Reply #74 on: May 23, 2008, 01:36:57 PM »

Just read this thread, very quickly, and I am so sorry for the mess your Mom has managed to create.  I guess you will get plenty of practical ideas from the others here but I just cannot imagine how hurtful this is, bringing up issues of insecurity about the house and the further abuse by your mother and brother.  I hope you can find some kind of solution which allows you a safe place to live and as for your mother, well, this site does not allow me to post the words I would like to.  It just makes me sick to my stomach.

Thinking of you with love
