Dear Seasons,
You are in a terrible situation. I can see your distress. I wish I had an answer or some advice. I think that you are connected to your heart and your heart will lead you.
With my H, I told him, today, HOW angry I was at him. I told him,it was over 20 years worth of anger.He accepted it b/c I am too strong for him to try to hurt me, now.
The end game for me was taking my power back .
With my mother, I took it back, also.
I , simply, stood up and told the truth about my life.
I did not try to protect THEM anymore, just as my recent board experience. I feel badly for the person----very,very badly BUT I will not sacrifice myself for s/one else's issues.I will push back someone who violates me. It is THEIR issue,not mine. If I stand up for myself , *I* am not responsible for hurt THEY feel. They brought it on themselves for 'violating" to me. I don't have to try to make it "right". I just have to try to protect myself from violation. That is emotional health,I think.
My experience may not have anything to do with yours.
I never had a sister(Thank God),so I can't relate to sister issues.
Compost what does not fit, Seasons. Love Ami